lightpohl / podcast-dl

A humble CLI for downloading and archiving podcasts.
MIT License
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Feature request: out-dir Templating options #59

Closed jawhett closed 9 months ago

jawhett commented 10 months ago

I would like my Podcasts to be structured as follows Podcast title Folder-> Episode title Folder -> Episode with image

Ideally because Jellyfin doesnt have a podcast library support but this file Structure would present the The Podcast as the Author, and each podcast as a book.

This lets Jellyfin's book Library Work Great.

This is what I am trying to do: npx podcast-dl --limit 2 --url --include-episode-images --episode-template "{{title}}" --out-dir "./{{podcast_title}}/{{title}}"

lightpohl commented 9 months ago

Hey @jawhett! Great suggestion!

I have a WIP change running locally that allows nested directories to be set as part of --episode-template. I need to test it with meta, images, and archive files but it shouldn't take much longer.

Your example will end up looking like this!

npx podcast-dl --limit 2 --url --include-episode-images --episode-template "{{title}}/{{title}}" 
lightpohl commented 9 months ago

Take a look at v9.2.0 for the behavior change!

Added an example here as well. 👍