lightspeedwp / tour-operator

The LSX Tour Operators Plugin provides 3 post types (Accommodations, Destinations and Tours) that are the core of any Tour Operator. Use them to build day-by-day itineraries for tours.
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Improve Responsiveness of Facilities Block on Single Accommodation Template #371

Open ashleyshaw opened 1 week ago

ashleyshaw commented 1 week ago

Improve Responsiveness of Facilities Block on Single Accommodation Template #371


The current Facilities block on the single accommodation template needs to be more responsive, especially on smaller screens. The layout should dynamically adjust based on screen size to improve usability and ensure a seamless experience for users browsing accommodation listings.

The layout can take inspiration from the Airbnb single property listing design, which handles responsiveness exceptionally well.


Proposed Solution

  1. Responsive Grid Layout:

    • Update the Facilities block to use a responsive grid or flexbox layout that adjusts based on screen size.
    • On smaller screens (e.g., < 768px), stack the items vertically or arrange them in a single column.
    • On larger screens, use a multi-column layout to take full advantage of available space.
  2. Mobile-First Approach:

    • Implement a mobile-first approach where the block is optimized for small screens first, then scales up for larger devices.
    • Ensure that touch targets for each facility item are large enough for easy navigation on mobile.
  3. Spacing and Alignment:

    • Ensure proper spacing and padding between items to maintain a clean and readable design on all screen sizes.
    • Align icons, text, and other elements consistently for a polished look.
  4. Inspiration from Airbnb:

    • Use the Airbnb single property listing as a reference for responsive design and layout.
    • Analyze how Airbnb handles the Facilities/Property Details section, especially the use of icons and text to create a clean, easy-to-read layout that adjusts seamlessly on mobile.

Task Breakdown

Additional Considerations

Completion Criteria