lightswitch05 / hosts

Hostfile blocklist for ads and tracking, updated regularly
Apache License 2.0
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🚸 Remove false positive (www.) #335

Closed thomasmerz closed 2 years ago

thomasmerz commented 2 years ago

This PR removes (www.) which is a false positive (and I really don't know WHY and HOW children should or would use this domain!? 😜). It has been also removed from other major blocklists:

I will also inform the owners of the remaining lists to remove this domain(s).

Because of this blocklist entry, someone isn't able to gather ASN infos for a given IP or domain 😞

function getASN () {
    local _ip="$1";
    local _curl_base="curl --request GET";
    local _timeout="15";
    _asn=$($_curl_base -ks -m "$_timeout" "${_ip}?fields=as");
    _state=$(echo $?);
    if [[ -z "$_ip" ]] || [[ "$_ip" == "null" ]] || [[ "$_state" -ne 0 ]]; then
        echo -en "Unsuccessful ASN gathering.\\n";
        echo -en "$_ip > $_asn\\n";
lightswitch05 commented 2 years ago

There is a much larger discussions of these types of websites here:

thomasmerz commented 2 years ago

@lightswitch05 , but there's no final conclusion or even solution mentioned!? 😲

lightswitch05 commented 2 years ago

The solution is to add it to an allow list on your side if you want to allow it. I'm not sure how you are using my list, but surely it provides a way to specify allowing specific entries?

thomasmerz commented 2 years ago

I'm using the extended ads and tracking list - not the aggressive one which already says "do not use it unless you are willing to maintain your own whitelist". Because so many other blocklists (see link above and here) already removed from their blocklists I would suggest moving them extended to aggressive.

Do you agree for a new PR with this change?

lightswitch05 commented 2 years ago

I cannot accept PRs into this project:

Your use case is extremely specific and is very unlikely to be causing anyone else issues. For that reason, I don't believe this is an aggressive block. Also, it should be easy for you to remove it locally.

As for other lists, I frankly do not care. There are lists that allow Google analytics too, which I certainly will not. I feel no peer pressure with how to manage my own blocklists.

I'm glad you are enjoying my search tool to find lists that block things and to easily see which lists have removed entries. It's really great for that.