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how the nvidia restrict mining will affect on neural network training? #469

Open gms2009 opened 3 years ago

gms2009 commented 3 years ago

nvidia restrict mining on rtx30x0 gpu, what effect on neural network training? not sure where to ask the question, so try here.

lightvector commented 3 years ago

Neural network training is not the same as cryptocurrency mining, which is what I assume you are referring to, so we should be fine? I'm not familiar with the news you're referring to, or what made you concerned, let me know if you think there is something more to discuss. Thanks!

gms2009 commented 3 years ago

From what I heard, nvidia is putting out something call cmp specialized for cryptocurrency mining, and standard ones will be slash by half for that in capacity. thinking about getting a rtx30x0, so want to make sure what capacity got slash to half or so. right now what I know is 3, neural network training, cryptocurrency mining and video.

Friday9i commented 3 years ago

Yeah, Nvidia is implementing a hash-rate limiter in an evolution of its RTX due to arrive this summer. The aim is to stop miners to buy all retail cards, so that gamer can get cards at reasonable prices... Will it be hardware or software limiter, that's unknown for the moment (but I guess some hardware, otherwise it's generally quite weak...), we'll see And I'm pretty sure they will manage to target quite specifically mining activities, which are very specific. If it impacts other deeplearning activities, that would be a disaster for them, so it shouldn't hopefully.