lihaoyi / workbench-example-app

An example application written in ScalaJS using scala-js-dom and scala-js-workbench
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Akka-http demo doesn't compile #54

Open sergeda opened 6 years ago

sergeda commented 6 years ago

I'm getting error when trying to compile akka-http demo:

workbench-example-app/example/jvm/src/main/scala/example/Server.scala:56: type mismatch; [error] found : akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directive1[String] [error] (which expands to) akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directive[(String,)] [error] required: akka.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext => ? [error] extract(entity(as[String])) { e => [error] ^ [error] one error found