lihaoyun6 / QuickRecorder

A lightweight screen recorder based on ScreenCapture Kit for macOS / 基于 ScreenCapture Kit 的轻量化多功能 macOS 录屏工具
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
3.67k stars 164 forks source link

FeatureRequest: stream to fMP4 #50

Open gchilds opened 1 month ago

gchilds commented 1 month ago

with multiple audio channels included (no mixing)

lihaoyun6 commented 1 month ago

You can turn this off. This will allow QuickRecorder to write system sound and microphone input to separate audio tracks.

gchilds commented 1 month ago

You could get it really easily switching the AVAssetWriter to fMP4. like this SO answer but unfortunately AVAssetWriter fMP4 does not support multiple audio tracks

Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11875 "More than one audio track is not allowed for file type profile MPEG4AppleHLS."
UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=More than one audio track is not allowed for file type profile MPEG4AppleHLS., 
NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot start file writing, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The file writing cannot be performed for this configuration.}
gchilds commented 1 month ago

More than no mixing, I'm interested in streaming ability, which fMP4 gives you.

lihaoyun6 commented 1 month ago

It seems that macOS's support for fMP4 is not perfect🧐 OK, I will add it to the todo list, but it will not be implemented in the short term.