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DFA Java 实现 #188

Open lihongjie0209 opened 3 years ago

lihongjie0209 commented 3 years ago

import java.util.*;

 * Deterministic finite automata example
 * Specify states as an array of their names, with ",S" (start) after one of them and ",E" (end) after at least one of them
 * Specify transitions as an array of "from,to,label" for a unique label or "from,to,label1,label2,..." for more
 * Then try matching a string
 * @author Chris Bailey-Kellogg, Dartmouth CS 10, Winter 2014
 * @author inspired by a CS 8 problem set by Scot Drysdale (more beautiful in Haskell, of course)
public class DFA {
    String start;
    Set<String> ends;
    Map<String, Map<Character,String>> transitions; // state -> (character -> next state)

     * Constructs the DFA from the arrays, as specified in the overall header
    DFA(String[] ss, String[] ts) {
        ends = new TreeSet<String>();
        transitions = new TreeMap<String, Map<Character,String>>();

        // States
        for (String v : ss) {
            String[] pieces = v.split(",");
            if (pieces.length>1) {
                if (pieces[1].equals("S")) start = pieces[0];
                else if (pieces[1].equals("E")) ends.add(pieces[0]);

        // Transitions
        for (String e : ts) {
            String[] pieces = e.split(",");
            String from = pieces[0], to = pieces[1];
            if (!transitions.containsKey(from)) transitions.put(from, new TreeMap<Character,String>());
            for (int i=2; i<pieces.length; i++) {
                transitions.get(from).put(pieces[i].charAt(0), to);


     * Returns whether or not the DFA accepts the string --
     * follows transitions according to its characters, landing in an end state at the end of the string
    public boolean match(String s) {
        String state = start;
        for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
            char c = s.charAt(i);
            if (!transitions.get(state).containsKey(c)) {
                System.out.println("This isn't a DFA! No transition from "+state+" for "+c);
                return false;
            state = transitions.get(state).get(c);
        return ends.contains(state);

     * Helper method to test matching against a bunch of strings, printing the results
    public void test(String[] inputs) {
        for (String s : inputs)
            System.out.println(s + ":" + match(s));

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] ss1 = { "A,S", "B,E", "C" };
        String[] ts1 = { "A,B,0", "A,C,1", "B,B,0,1", "C,C,0,1" };
        DFA dfa1 = new DFA(ss1, ts1);

        String[] testsT1 = { "0", "00", "00000", "0010101" };
        String[] testsF1 = { "", "1", "1100110" };