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MySQL: 字符集 #295

Open lihongjie0209 opened 3 years ago

lihongjie0209 commented 3 years ago


Several questions about character set and collation handling for client connections can be answered in terms of system variables:

lihongjie0209 commented 3 years ago


The character encoding between client and server is automatically detected upon connection (provided that the Connector/J connection properties characterEncoding and connectionCollation are not set). You specify the encoding on the server using the system variable character_set_server (for more information, see Server Character Set and Collation). The driver automatically uses the encoding specified by the server. For example, to use the 4-byte UTF-8 character set with Connector/J, configure the MySQL server with character_set_server=utf8mb4, and leave characterEncoding and connectionCollation out of the Connector/J connection string. Connector/J will then autodetect the UTF-8 setting.

To override the automatically detected encoding on the client side, use the characterEncoding property in the connection URL to the server. Use Java-style names when specifying character encodings. The following table lists MySQL character set names and their corresponding Java-style names:

Table 6.3 MySQL to Java Encoding Name Translations

MySQL Character Set Name Java-Style Character Encoding Name
ascii US-ASCII
big5 Big5
gbk GBK
sjis SJIS or Cp932
cp932 Cp932 or MS932
gb2312 EUC_CN
ujis EUC_JP
euckr EUC_KR
latin1 Cp1252
latin2 ISO8859_2
greek ISO8859_7
hebrew ISO8859_8
cp866 Cp866
tis620 TIS620
cp1250 Cp1250
cp1251 Cp1251
cp1257 Cp1257
macroman MacRoman
macce MacCentralEurope
For 8.0.12 and earlier: utf8For 8.0.13 and later: utf8mb4 UTF-8
ucs2 UnicodeBig