liip / php-osx

DEPRECATED: See for details. The uploader and website for the PHP 5 package for OS X 10.6 built with
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Install php 5.6 on OS X High Sierra #242

Closed jizapata closed 3 years ago

jizapata commented 6 years ago

Hello, i need to instal PHP 5.6 on OS X High Sierra.

I run the command:

curl -s | bash -s 5.6

And I get:

[WARNING] Detected macOS High Sierra 10.13. As this is quite new, there may be issues still. Your mileage may vary.

Get packager.tgz Unpack packager.tgz Please type in your password, as we want to install this into /usr/local Password: tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open '/tmp/packager.tgz' Start packager (may take some time) using /usr/bin/python2.7 /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/ can't open file '/usr/local/packager/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory Finished.

Help me please!

njustice4all commented 6 years ago


ssorgente commented 6 years ago

I instead succeeded in installing but... now nothing works! when I write "localhost" on the browser it says that it is not possible to reach the site.... any hints?

jurasseck commented 6 years ago


weihaixiaoseu commented 6 years ago


HoangTrung commented 6 years ago


west44 commented 6 years ago


andsien commented 6 years ago

any updates for this one? Thanks

serj-by commented 6 years ago

Don't sure cause still on the Sierra and cannot check but seems like permissions problem. Again, I don't sure but there maybe workaround like this: sudo chmod -R 0777 /usr/local/packager may work. Again, I am not sure. Do it at your own risk. I just hope it could helps. Could not guarantee it will. And even if it will it is not best solution for sure. Just workaround.

keyboard1988 commented 5 years ago

+1 , Have you solve the issue?

chregu commented 3 years ago

This project is now deprecated and won't get any more updates (since quite some time, but we made it official now).

The binaries and scripts will still be available for the foreseeable future.

We recommend using a homebrew based setup for an up-to-date local and native PHP experience.

See for more details.