lijiaman / CASENet

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TypeError: h5py objects cannot be pickled #7

Open debvrat opened 4 years ago

debvrat commented 4 years ago


I am trying to run the same code on the SBD dataset. I have modified the paths as per my local directory, and have generated the files - "test_label_binary_np.h5" & "train_aug_label_binary_np.h5".

After doing this, I'm getting an error as follows:

File "G:\My Drive\Debvrat - shared\Codes\CASENet PyTorch Implementations\SBD-lijiaman\", line 130, in <module>

File "G:\My Drive\Debvrat - shared\Codes\CASENet PyTorch Implementations\SBD-lijiaman\", line 85, in main
    win_feats5, win_fusion, viz, global_step)

File "G:\My Drive\Debvrat - shared\Codes\CASENet PyTorch Implementations\SBD-lijiaman\train_val\", line 31, in train
    for i, (img, target) in enumerate(train_loader):

File "C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\", line 819, in __iter__
    return _DataLoaderIter(self)

File "C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\", line 560, in __init__

File "C:\Anaconda3\lib\multiprocessing\", line 112, in start
    self._popen = self._Popen(self)

File "C:\Anaconda3\lib\multiprocessing\", line 223, in _Popen
    return _default_context.get_context().Process._Popen(process_obj)

File "C:\Anaconda3\lib\multiprocessing\", line 322, in _Popen
    return Popen(process_obj)

File "C:\Anaconda3\lib\multiprocessing\", line 89, in __init__
    reduction.dump(process_obj, to_child)

File "C:\Anaconda3\lib\multiprocessing\", line 60, in dump
    ForkingPickler(file, protocol).dump(obj)

File "C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\h5py\_hl\", line 308, in __getnewargs__
    raise TypeError("h5py objects cannot be pickled")

TypeError: h5py objects cannot be pickled

The error seems to be stemming from

Anyone got a clue of how to get around this? Maybe how to handle the pickling part?

Indestructibleee commented 2 years ago

Have you solved this problem?

debvrat commented 2 years ago

Nope, couldn't