I follow your code and run it on a subset of SBD database (50 images). The code run til the end but the loss doesn't go down. The loss also is extremely high (about 1000000). Is it normal?
I run it with the following configuration:
config:Namespace(batch_size=1, checkpoint_folder='./checkpoint', cls_num=20, ep\
ochs=150, lr=1e-10, lr_steps=[10000, 20000, 30000, 40000], momentum=0.9, multig\
pu=False, pretrained_model='', print_freq=1, resume_model='', start_epoch=0, we\
ight_decay=0.0005, workers=16)
Hello, I follow your code and run it on a subset of SBD database (50 images). The code run til the end but the loss doesn't go down. The loss also is extremely high (about 1000000). Is it normal?
I run it with the following configuration: config:Namespace(batch_size=1, checkpoint_folder='./checkpoint', cls_num=20, ep\ ochs=150, lr=1e-10, lr_steps=[10000, 20000, 30000, 40000], momentum=0.9, multig\ pu=False, pretrained_model='', print_freq=1, resume_model='', start_epoch=0, we\ ight_decay=0.0005, workers=16)
Looking forward to your reply