lijingyiran / Exploratory-Data-Analysis

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Peer review hw01 #3

Open KevinHzq opened 5 years ago

KevinHzq commented 5 years ago

Peer-Review HW-01 for lijingyiran

Topic Excellent Satisfactory Needs Work
Coding style :heavy_check_mark:
Coding strategy :heavy_check_mark:
Presentation: graphs
Presentation: tables :heavy_check_mark:
Achievement, creativity :heavy_check_mark:
Ease of access :heavy_check_mark:


lijingyiran commented 5 years ago

Thanks Kevin!

If you knit the presentation code in RStudio, it would output an iosslide presentation. The .html file is just there as a source file, you didn't have to look at it to see what the presentation looks like. Not sure why a .pdf file is needed for the presentation since we are knitting it to iosslide and NOT BEAMER.

There's no warning message when I knit the slides on my end. Would it be possible that you had a conflicting package or library on your end?

Would you mind explaining why "Ease of access" is checked under "Needs work"?

I would like you to reconsider your check marks. Thanks.

lijingyiran commented 5 years ago


KevinHzq commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the check mark, I edited it.

If you read the tidy submission part on the assignment home page, it says:

All R Markdown files are knitted to an output readable on GitHub (probably github_document or pdf_document).

So, if you knit and upload your slides as PDF, they would be readable directly on GitHub. I think your reader would appreciate if they don't have to download the code and knit it locally.

Cheers, Kevin