lijx10 / USIP

USIP: Unsupervised Stable Interest Point Detection from 3D Point Clouds. ICCV 2019
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Running on own point clouds #18

Closed Limzui closed 3 years ago

Limzui commented 4 years ago

Hi, firstly thank you for your great work on your paper as well as releasing the code.

I would like to know how to run a pretrained model on my own point clouds. More specifically, how do I obtain the surface normals and curvature inputs to the detector network (anc_sn)?

lijx10 commented 3 years ago

The surface normal and curvature can be acquired by PCL, a point cloud processing library, i.e., NormalEstimation, PrincipleCurvaturesEstimation. When re-training the networks with your own data, it is not necesary to input surface normal or curvature. Those are optional.