lijx10 / USIP

USIP: Unsupervised Stable Interest Point Detection from 3D Point Clouds. ICCV 2019
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Keypoints doesn't align with its original point cloud #6

Closed bin70 closed 4 years ago

bin70 commented 4 years ago

Hello, jiaxin:

I run the code successfully and visualize the detected keypoints together with its original point cloud, but they are not aligned with each other, as shown below:

2019-10-29 21-52-53屏幕截图 (seq02-002121, train on oxford & test on kitti) 2019-10-29 20-15-20屏幕截图 (seq02-002121, train on kitti & test on kitti)

I completely use the default parameter settings in original codes and the model weights that you provide in README (trained on oxford) and then evalute on kitti dataset. After getting the unaligned keypoints, I also use the model weights I personally train on kitti dataset.

In order to run the code successfully, I only change some default filepaths in several files:

    # ============= dataset ===============
    dataset_type = 'kitti'
    test_txt_folder = '/home/elvin/kitti-reg-test'
    numpy_folder = '/home/elvin/kitti/data_odometry_velodyne/numpy'
    output_folder = '/home/elvin/keypoints_knn_ball/oxford_kitti'
    # output_folder = '/home/elvin/keypoints_knn_ball/kitti_kitti'
    # =============== method ================
    method = 'tsf'
    detector_model_path = '/home/elvin/models/oxford/16384-512-k1k16-2d/best.pth'
    # detector_model_path = '/home/elvin/models/kitti/gpu1_185_-1.559669_net_detector.pth' # train on kitti
  2. build_filepath.m
    elseif strcmp(dataset, 'kitti')
    keypoint_folder = '/home/elvin/keypoints_knn_ball/oxford_kitti/tsf_GHZU34IR';
    % keypoint_folder = '/home/elvin/keypoints_knn_ball/kitti_kitti/tsf_RBO0SDQY';
    pc_folder = '/home/elvin/kitti/data_odometry_velodyne/numpy';
    % pc_folder = '/home/elvin/kitti-reg-test';
  3. load_keypoint.m
    elseif strcmp(dataset, 'kitti')
    seq_str = filepath(end-12:end-11);
    calib = read_kitti_calib(['/home/elvin/kitti/calib/', seq_str, '/calib.txt']);

    Then I run followed by visualize_features.m, the output is

    kitti - i916 - n39 - /home/elvin/kitti/data_odometry_velodyne/numpy/02/np_0.20_20480_r90_sn/002121.npy, /home/elvin/keypoints_knn_ball/oxford_kitti/tsf_GHZU34IR/02/002121.bin

    From the file name, the two seem to match each other, but the results of the visualization are not correct. Is there any error in the above settings, which leads me to get the wrong result? Could you give me any help or tips?

lijx10 commented 4 years ago

Maybe you may want to check whether the points and the keypoints are at the same coordinate system, e.g. NWU or camera coordinate?

bin70 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your promptly reply. Now I can get the correct visualization results.

XuyangBai commented 4 years ago

@bin70 Hi, Could you please share your solution? I also find that my keypoints doesn't align with original point cloud.

bin70 commented 4 years ago

@bin70 Hi, Could you please share your solution? I also find that my keypoints doesn't align with original point cloud.

Sorry for getting back to you late. You just need to read per 3 columns from the keypoints files instead of per 4 columns in the original code.

XuyangBai commented 4 years ago

@bin70 Sorry I am still confused. I think the 4th column of keypoints file is sigma, so why it may affect the location of keypoints ?

bin70 commented 4 years ago

@XuyangBai The sigma has not been saved to keypoints files.