Write your criteria for screening. In the current version, the number of elements (nelements) are applied to screen as a demo. For your onwer purpose, you can write different screening criteria, such as must include certain elements, energy above hull must be smaller than a certain value, band gap must be smaller than a certain value, et al.
Note: the screening code will output a csv file (id_prop.csv) to the designed folder (sys.argv[2])
https://github.com/ZijianCai/dflow/tree/main/MP_cgcnn_jupyter This is a simple introduction to dflow, materials screening and machine learning.
How to use
into the repoPrepare your screening code
Get your API key from materials project: https://legacy.materialsproject.org/open. Use it as your first argument (sys.argv[1])
Write your criteria for screening. In the current version, the number of elements (nelements) are applied to screen as a demo. For your onwer purpose, you can write different screening criteria, such as must include certain elements, energy above hull must be smaller than a certain value, band gap must be smaller than a certain value, et al.
Note: the screening code will output a csv file (id_prop.csv) to the designed folder (sys.argv[2])
Prepare CGCNN code