lilin-hitcrt / RINet

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python implementation #1

Open HuaiyuanXu opened 1 year ago

HuaiyuanXu commented 1 year ago

Could you provide a python implementation for preprocessing?

VenkateshSoni commented 1 year ago

Can you please elaborate the issue more ?

HuaiyuanXu commented 1 year ago

Many thanks for your reply. Could you provide code in python language to generate global descriptors? In other words, could you give the python language code to replace the c++ language code in the gen_desc folder?

lilin-hitcrt commented 1 year ago

Could you provide a python implementation for preprocessing?

Sorry for not replying in time as I was preparing for ICRA2023 some time ago. I will implement and upload the relevant code as soon as possible.

lilin-hitcrt commented 1 week ago

Could you provide a python implementation for preprocessing?

I'll complete the Python implementation for preprocessing at my earliest convenience.

lilin-hitcrt commented 1 week ago

Perhaps this code will work.

import numpy as np
import yaml

class PreProcessor:
    def __init__(self, cfg_file):
        with open(cfg_file, 'r') as file:
            cfg = yaml.safe_load(file)
        self.learning_map = None
        if cfg['remap']:
            cfg_lm = cfg['learning_map']
            max_id = np.max(list(cfg_lm.keys()))
            learning_map_list = [cfg_lm[i] if i in cfg_lm else -1 for i in range(max_id + 1)]
            self.learning_map = np.array(learning_map_list, dtype='int')
        self.valid_labels = np.array([1] + list(range(9, 20)), dtype='int')
        self.label_map = np.full(20, -1, dtype='int')
        self.label_map[9:] = np.arange(1, 12)
        self.label_map[1] = 0

    def run(self, pcd_file, label_file):
        # load data
        points = self.load_pcd(pcd_file)
        labels = self.load_label(label_file)

        # remove unused label
        label_mask = np.isin(labels, self.valid_labels)
        points = points[label_mask]
        labels = labels[label_mask]

        # Remove distant data
        dis = np.linalg.norm(points[:, :2], axis=1)
        dis_mask = (dis <= 50)
        points = points[dis_mask]
        labels = labels[dis_mask]
        dis = dis[dis_mask]

        angles = np.arctan2(points[:, 1], points[:, 0]) + np.pi
        angles = (angles * 180.) / np.pi
        angles = np.floor(angles).astype('int')

        #Ensure the angle is valid
        angle_mask = ((angles >=0) & (angles <= 359))
        points = points[angle_mask]
        labels = labels[angle_mask]
        dis = dis[angle_mask]
        angles = angles[angle_mask]

        # convert label id to 0-11
        labels = self.label_map[labels]
        order = np.argsort(-dis)
        dis = dis[order]
        points = points[order]
        labels = labels[order]
        angles = angles[order]
        # desc for semantics other than road
        min_desc = np.zeros([12, 360], dtype='float')
        min_desc[labels, angles] = dis
        order = np.argsort(dis)
        dis = dis[order]
        points = points[order]
        labels = labels[order]
        angles = angles[order]
        # desc for road
        max_desc = np.zeros([12, 360], dtype='float')
        max_desc[labels, angles] = dis
        min_desc[1] = max_desc[1] # road
        return min_desc

    def load_pcd(self, file):
        points = np.fromfile(file, dtype='float32').reshape(-1, 4)[:, 0:3]
        return points

    def load_label(self, file):
        labels = np.fromfile(file, dtype='uint32')
        if self.learning_map is not None:
            labels = labels & np.uint32(0x0000FFFF)
            labels = self.learning_map[labels]
        return labels

if __name__ == '__main__':
    processor = PreProcessor("gen_desc/conf/sem_config.yaml")
    desc ='/home/l/workspace/SSC/data/000720.bin', '/home/l/workspace/SSC/data/000720.label')
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt