lilive / Freeplane-Jumper

A search box for Freeplane with on-the-fly filtering and full keyboard control. Quick navigation in your maps!
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Better use of space when displaying the results (truncation method) #12

Open euu2021 opened 1 year ago

euu2021 commented 1 year ago

I always felt a bit unsatisfied about how the search results displayed when the node text is long. I never knew why. For some reason, I always need to navigate to the node in order to check if it really is what I'm looking for. Even making the Jumper window giant and the font size tiny isn't enough for me to "see" the results.

Now, I stopped to understand the situation, and concluded that it's because of how the truncation works.

For example, searching for BBB in this situation:


Results in:


Notice that:

-For BBB2: the truncation favors the text to the right side of the word BBB2. To me, this creates problems, because there is not enough text before the word BBB2 for me to get the context, and so understand the result (i.e., in order to understand which node actually is this). I think that, if the result was in the middle, it would be more useful. image

-for BBB3: the truncation doesn't take full advantage of the space available for displaying the result (I give a lot of screen real estate to Jumper, so I want Jumper to actually use it)


Map used in the example: EXAMPLE

euu2021 commented 1 year ago

An idea, that may help with the problem described here, is having a tooltip to show the content of the node when the mouse hover over the search results. The MapInsight Add-On, for example, has a tooltip that is very useful to show lengthy nodes (see it working at 12:55 in this video)

ldmpub commented 1 year ago


Here are my opinions: