lilleswing / jt-vae

Junction Tree Variational AutoEncoder Implementation Attempt
MIT License
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A little question about tree decomposition algorithm. #1

Open limaosen0 opened 6 years ago

limaosen0 commented 6 years ago

Dear Dr. Leswing: I learn and run your code "", and I found a little mistake, where it is at line 219. We should generate a new SMILES but this is still the operation of mol and return a mol. Thus I try to change it to be "substructure_smiles = [Chem.MolToSmiles(x) for x in substructures]". But the generated two .csv are the same, as well as the two .json files. We cannot get the results like your uploaded files in '/data'. I am a new learner of rdkit and may ask some fool questions, please forgive me and help me. Thank you very much.

lilleswing commented 6 years ago

Hi limasen0 this was my attempt to reproduce the paper, since then the original code was published here. These attempts were unfinished since the original source was published.

I have made small changes (most noteably python3 compatibility) here.

See the actual MolTree code from the paper

limaosen0 commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much!