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Feedback on final project #6

Open barryross opened 7 years ago

barryross commented 7 years ago

FEWD Final Project


For the final project, you'll be designing and building a website of your choice. This project will test your knowledge of front-end web development and ask you to apply everything you've learned in this course. The result will be a website that you can add to your portfolio. You could create: a portfolio website; a marketing website for a startup or business; or a prototype for a simple web-app. Work with your instructor and EIR's to create project goals that are realistic given the scope and timing of the class.

Student: Lilli Izumi

Project URL:

Technical Requirements Does Not Meet Expectations (0) Meets Expectations (1) Exceeds Expectations (2)
Project Proposal / Wireframes turned in (milestone #1) x
Draft of HTML/CSS turned in (milestone #2) x
First draft of JS turned in week (milestone #3) x
Updated rough draft of project week (milestone #4) x
Final presentation (milestone #5) x
Use HTML5 structural elements (header, footer, nav, footer) x
Demonstrate a correct use of classes and IDs x
Use classes to identify a type of element and IDs for identifying a specific unique element on the page x
Select the appropriate tags to markup content x
Apply fonts, color and styles to elements and the page x
Demonstrate use of flex and/or grid and the box model x
Use JavaScript/jQuery to make pages interactive x
TOTAL: 24/24
barryross commented 7 years ago


Excellent work on your final project! Great job steadily building this, hitting the milestones, and challenging yourself along the way. It looks great...and it's responsive! Your designs look excellent and your implementation is stellar!

It has been a pleasure having you in class and watching you grow as a web developer. Please feel free to stay in touch and let me know what you are up to!

Per usual, please see inline comments for additional feedback.

Great job these past 10 weeks! 🏆