Closed steini225 closed 2 years ago
@steini225 Is this happening every time or was it a 1-off?
@steini225 I think I just submitted a fix, which should go live in a few minutes, but I don't have enough people handy to do a thorough test. Please submit another report if it happens again!
this happend everytime if i move the player to night
@steini225 Thanks, are you still playing? Is it still happening?
im still playing i dont get the error anymore but the the permissions from the night channel got removes so sometimes channels are not hidden
@steini225 I'm not sure what you mean by that, can you post a screen shot here? the permission for the everyone group get changed so anyone can see the channel
if you want you can add me at discord so you can see that Steini225#4400
Interaction error [Guild: 984570205508362300 Channel: 989931527515304006] Exception: InvalidOperationException Message: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. Stack trace: at System.Collections.Generic.List
1.Enumerator.MoveNext() at Bot.DSharp.DSharpChannel.ClearOverwrites() in /home/runner/work/bot-on-the-clocktower/bot-on-the-clocktower/Bot.DSharp/DSharpChannel.cs:line 30 at Bot.Core.BotGameplay.PhaseNightUnsafe(IGame game, IProcessLogger processLog) in /home/runner/work/bot-on-the-clocktower/bot-on-the-clocktower/Bot.Core/BotGameplay.cs:line 251 at Bot.Core.BotGameplayInteractionHandler.<>c__DisplayClass20_0.<<PhaseNightInternal>b__0>d.MoveNext() in /home/runner/work/bot-on-the-clocktower/bot-on-the-clocktower/Bot.Core/BotGameplayInteractionHandler.cs:line 105 --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Bot.Core.Interaction.BaseInteractionErrorHandler
1.TryProcessReportingErrorsAsync(TKey key, IMember requester, Func`2 process) in /home/runner/work/bot-on-the-clocktower/bot-on-the-clocktower/Bot.Core/Interaction/BaseInteractionErrorHandler.cs:line 27