lima1 / PureCN

Copy number calling and variant classification using targeted short read sequencing
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Error with overlapping gaps when running PureCN #339

Open akaviaLab opened 9 months ago

akaviaLab commented 9 months ago

Describe the issue Running PureCN on a sample fails with Detected overlapping gaps on chromosome , : INTERNAL ERROR: Detected overlapping gaps on chromosome 10 in argument gaps . Calls: runAbsoluteCN ... -> throw -> throw.default

This is a Paired End sample, where I stitched the reads together using BBMerge before aligning, variant calling and PureCN.

To Reproduce Copy and paste your complete command line arguments from PureCN.R. If possible and potentially relevant, also copy the output of NormalDB.R and Coverage.R. Coverage.R

PureCN.R Rscript /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/PureCN/extdata/PureCN.R --force --postoptimize --seed 123 --outvcf --funsegmentation PSCBS --genome hg38 --sampleid pureCN_ewes-heme-001 --tumor out/ewes-heme-001_markdup.recalibrated_coverage_loess.txt.gz --vcf /home/dnanexus/inputs/input17659710669220063763/ewes-heme-001_markdup.recalibrated_mutect2_unfiltered-final-annotation.vcf.gz --mappingbiasfile /home/dnanexus/inputs/input17659710669220063763/mapping_bias_eWES_heme_merge_hg38_PON_hg38.rds --normaldb /home/dnanexus/inputs/input17659710669220063763/normalDB_eWES_neogenomics_hg38_merged_hg38.rds --intervals /home/dnanexus/inputs/input17659710669220063763/eWES_neogenomics_hg38_merged_probes_intervals.withGenes.txt --out pureCN_ewes-heme-001

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Log file INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:12] Loading PureCN 1.22.2... INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:21] Mean coverages: chrX: 35.90, chrY: 36.46, chr1-22: 61.30. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:21] Sample sex: M INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:22] ------------------------------------------------------------ INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:22] PureCN 1.22.2 INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:22] ------------------------------------------------------------ INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:22] Arguments: -tumor.coverage.file /home/dnanexus/work/out/ewes-heme-001_markdup.recalibrated_coverage_loess.txt.gz -log.ratio -seg.file -vcf.file /home/dnanexus/inputs/input17659710669220063763/ewes-heme-001_markdup.recalibrated_mutect2_unfiltered-final-annotation.vcf.gz -genome hg38 -sex ? -args.setPriorVcf 6 -args.setMappingBiasVcf /home/dnanexus/inputs/input17659710669220063763/mapping_bias_eWES_heme_merge_hg38_PON_hg38.rds -args.filterIntervals 100 -args.segmentation 0.005,NULL, -sampleid pureCN_ewes-heme-001 -min.ploidy 1.4 -max.ploidy 6 -max.non.clonal 0.2 -max.homozygous.loss 0.05,1e+07 -log.ratio.calibration 0.1 -model.homozygous FALSE -error 0.001 -interval.file /home/dnanexus/inputs/input17659710669220063763/eWES_neogenomics_hg38_merged_probes_intervals.withGenes.txt -max.segments 300 -plot.cnv TRUE -vcf.field.prefix PureCN. DB POP_AF -model beta -post.optimize TRUE -BPPARAM -log.file pureCN_ewes-heme-001.log -normal.coverage.file -normalDB -args.filterVcf -fun.segmentation -test.num.copy -test.purity -speedup.heuristics INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:22] Loading coverage files... INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:25] Mean target coverages: 72X (tumor) 91X (normal). INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:26] Mean coverages: chrX: 35.90, chrY: 36.46, chr1-22: 61.30. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:27] Mean coverages: chrX: 32.16, chrY: 36.46, chr1-22: 61.27. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:42] Removing 733 intervals with missing log.ratio. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:42] Removing 3 low/high GC targets. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:43] Removing 4576 intervals excluded in normalDB. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:43] normalDB provided. Setting minimum coverage for segmentation to 0.0015X. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:43] Removing 9351 low coverage (< 0.0015X) intervals. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:43] Removing 11549 low count (< 100 total reads) intervals. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:43] Using 245171 intervals (228926 on-target, 16245 off-target). INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:43] Ratio of mean on-target vs. off-target read counts: 0.64 INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:43] Mean off-target bin size: 112269 INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:44] AT/GC dropout: 1.01 (tumor), 1.06 (normal), 0.98 (coverage log-ratio). INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:44] Loading VCF... INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:52] Found 117065 variants in VCF file. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:53] Removing 6471 triallelic sites. WARN [2023-12-18 16:02:53] VCF contains both DB and POPAF INFO fields. Will ignore POPAF. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:53] 49384 (44.7%) variants annotated as likely germline (DB INFO flag). INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:55] ewes-heme-001 is tumor in VCF file. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:57] 589 homozygous and 143 heterozygous variants on chrX. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:57] Sex from VCF: M (Fisher's p-value: < 0.0001, odds-ratio: 6.99). INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:57] Detected MuTect2 VCF. INFO [2023-12-18 16:02:58] Removing 24823 Mutect2 calls due to blacklisted failure reasons. INFO [2023-12-18 16:03:02] Initial testing for significant sample cross-contamination: unlikely INFO [2023-12-18 16:03:03] Removing 47344 variants with AF < 0.030 or AF >= 0.970 or less than 3 supporting reads or depth < 15. WARN [2023-12-18 16:03:03] Variant ids contain NAs at filter step BQ. INFO [2023-12-18 16:03:03] Removing 0 low quality variants with BQ < 25. INFO [2023-12-18 16:03:03] Total size of targeted genomic region: 41.36Mb (61.24Mb with 50bp padding). INFO [2023-12-18 16:03:04] 11.9% of targets contain variants. INFO [2023-12-18 16:03:04] Removing 8042 variants outside intervals. INFO [2023-12-18 16:03:04] Setting somatic prior probabilities for dbSNP hits to 0.000500 or to 0.500000 otherwise. INFO [2023-12-18 16:03:04] Loading mapping bias file mapping_bias_eWES_heme_merge_hg38_PON_hg38.rds... INFO [2023-12-18 16:03:05] Found 459221 variants in mapping bias file. INFO [2023-12-18 16:03:09] Imputing mapping bias for 3042 variants... INFO [2023-12-18 16:04:15] Excluding 7952 novel or poor quality variants from segmentation.Dec 18 2023, 4:04 PM INFO [2023-12-18 16:04:15] Sample sex: M INFO [2023-12-18 16:04:15] Segmenting data... INFO [2023-12-18 16:04:15] Interval weights found, will use weighted PSCBS. INFO [2023-12-18 16:04:16] Setting undo.SD parameter to 0.750000. INFO [2023-12-18 16:04:16] On-target much cleaner than off-target, finding on-target breakpoints first... INFO [2023-12-18 16:04:16] Using 166683 high quality (out of 230168) on-target intervals for initial breakpoint calculation. CPU: 7% (16 cores) Memory: 4544/31066MB Storage: 19/376GB * Net: 0↓/0↑MBps INFO [2023-12-18 16:05:39] Setting prune.hclust.h parameter to 0.200000. chromosome start end 1 1 -Inf 1776227.0 2 1 1776228.0 1858181.0 3 1 1858182.0 2184880.5 4 1 2184881.5 2203536.0 5 1 2203537.0 2543400.0 6 1 2543401.0 2587809.5 7 1 2587810.5 2587808.5 8 1 2587809.5 3045882.0 9 1 3045883.0 3045881.0 10 1 3045882.0 3448321.5 11 1 3448322.5 3664836.0 12 1 3664837.0 3742697.5 13 1 3742698.5 7771758.5 14 1 7771759.5 7886818.0 15 1 7886819.0 7886817.0 16 1 7886818.0 7950714.5 17 1 7950715.5 7950713.5 18 1 7950714.5 7994801.0 19 1 7994802.0 7994800.0 20 1 7994801.0 8166772.0 21 1 8166773.0 9666191.5 22 1 9666192.5 9728659.0 23 1 9728660.0 11103552.0 24 1 11103553.0 11179803.0 25 1 11179804.0 11179802.0 26 1 11179803.0 11197002.5 27 1 11197003.5 11674144.5 28 1 11674145.5 11684252.0 29 1 11684253.0 11790184.5 30 1 11790185.5 11804595.0 31 1 11804596.0 15433130.5 32 1 15433131.5 15454603.5 33 1 15454604.5 16125075.5 34 1 16125076.5 16151953.5 35 1 16151954.5 17018750.0 36 1 17018751.0 17061294.0 37 1 17061295.0 17621162.0 38 1 17621163.0 18557214.5 39 1 18557215.5 18557213.5 40 1 18557214.5 18792258.0 41 1 18792259.0 22774835.5 42 1 22774836.5 22933353.5 43 1 22933354.5 23544773.5 44 1 23544774.5 23719832.5 45 1 23719833.5 32261234.5 46 1 32261235.5 32333879.0 47 1 32333880.0 35146397.0 48 1 35146398.0 35230914.5 49 1 35230915.5 36178278.0 50 1 36178279.0 36305252.5 51 1 36305253.5 36305251.5 52 1 36305252.5 36334684.0 53 1 36334685.0 36334683.0 54 1 36334684.0 36377439.5 55 1 36377440.5 36377438.5 56 1 36377439.5 36465069.0 57 1 36465070.0 36465068.0 58 1 36465069.0 36642132.5 59 1 36642133.5 39890349.0 60 1 39890350.0 39928279.0 61 1 39928280.0 43330189.5 62 1 43330190.5 43352769.0 63 1 43352770.0 44817112.5 64 1 44817113.5 44846846.0 65 1 44846847.0 45328361.5 66 1 45328362.5 45340585.0 67 1 45340586.0 46039625.5 68 1 46039626.5 46156844.0 69 1 46156845.0 46156843.0 70 1 46156844.0 46234129.5 71 1 46234130.5 46234128.5 72 1 46234129.5 46278377.5 73 1 46278378.5 51046373.0 74 1 51046374.0 51350780.0 75 1 51350781.0 51350779.0 76 1 51350780.0 51476967.0 77 1 51476968.0 55024011.0 78 1 55024012.0 55063727.5 79 1 55063728.5 64832651.5 80 1 64832652.5 64967428.0 81 1 64967429.0 71244128.0 82 1 71244129.0 74034013.0 83 1 74034014.0 77943983.0 84 1 77943984.0 77991950.0 85 1 77991951.0 85258900.0 86 1 85258901.0 85298890.5 87 1 85298891.5 92431445.5 88 1 92431446.5 92498535.5 89 1 92498536.5 92498534.5 90 1 92498535.5 92812163.5 91 1 92812164.5 92812162.5 92 1 92812163.5 92842545.5 93 1 92842546.5 97076218.0 94 1 97076219.0 98291224.5 95 1 98291225.5 110310904.0 96 1 110310905.0 110354604.0 97 1 110354605.0 113813561.5 98 1 113813562.5 113876252.5 99 1 113876253.5 113876251.5 100 1 113876252.5 113897023.0 101 1 113897024.0 113897022.0 102 1 113897023.0 113901367.5 103 1 113901368.5 114275579.5 104 1 114275580.5 114539472.0 105 1 114539473.0 114708185.0 106 1 114708186.0 114717046.0 107 1 114717047.0 117134254.0 108 1 117134255.0 117170937.5 109 1 117170938.5 117170936.5 110 1 117170937.5 117573923.5 111 1 117573924.5 117573922.5 112 1 117573923.5 117747171.0 113 1 117747172.0 119417418.0 114 1 119417419.0 119568388.5 115 1 119568389.5 122026458.0 116 1 122026459.0 124932724.0 117 1 124932725.0 147453504.0 118 1 147453505.0 147634146.0 119 1 147634147.0 150344636.5 120 1 150344637.5 150403292.5 121 1 150403293.5 150568840.0 122 1 150568841.0 150604184.0 123 1 150604185.0 150604183.0 124 1 150604184.0 150810078.0 125 1 150810079.0 150810077.0 126 1 150810078.0 150885282.0 127 1 150885283.0 152133720.5 128 1 152133721.5 152157171.5 129 1 152157172.5 152910148.5 130 1 152910149.5 153103992.0 131 1 153103993.0 154167497.5 132 1 154167498.5 154195615.5 133 1 154195616.5 154195614.5 134 1 154195615.5 154271687.0 135 1 154271688.0 154271686.0 136 1 154271687.0 154299362.0 137 1 154299363.0 154299361.0 138 1 154299362.0 154376074.0 139 1 154376075.0 154376073.0 140 1 154376074.0 154467779.5 141 1 154467780.5 155184911.5 142 1 155184912.5 155194335.0 143 1 155194336.0 155305490.0 144 1 155305491.0 155320644.0 145 1 155320645.0 155890737.5 146 1 155890738.5 155912394.5 147 1 155912395.5 156098207.0 148 1 156098208.0 156147126.0 149 1 156147127.0 156759948.5 150 1 156759949.5 156803725.5 151 1 156803726.5 156803724.5 152 1 156803725.5 156859683.0 153 1 156859684.0 156859682.0 154 1 156859683.0 156892538.0 155 1 156892539.0 157563859.0 156 1 157563860.0 157638259.5 157 1 157638260.5 161435776.0 158 1 161435777.0 161692328.5 159 1 161692329.5 162675707.0 160 1 162675708.0 162816720.0 161 1 162816721.0 162816719.0 162 1 162816720.0 163957530.5 163 1 163957531.5 163957529.5 164 1 163957530.5 164866870.5 165 1 164866871.5 170608733.0 166 1 170608734.0 170840734.5 167 1 170840735.5 175979390.5 168 1 175979391.5 176381549.0 169 1 176381550.0 179101293.0 170 1 179101294.0 179265912.5 171 1 179265913.5 188543146.0 172 1 188543147.0 191306996.5 173 1 191306997.5 193113738.0 174 1 193113739.0 193251086.5 175 1 193251087.5 201345848.0 176 1 201345849.0 201377467.5 177 1 201377468.5 202007737.0 178 1 202007738.0 202069037.0 179 1 202069038.0 202325446.5 180 1 202325447.5 202342197.0 181 1 202342198.0 205608410.5 182 1 205608411.5 205691329.5 183 1 205691330.5 206467081.0 184 1 206467082.0 206501829.5 185 1 206501830.5 206501828.5 186 1 206501829.5 206750556.5 187 1 206750557.5 206750555.5 188 1 206750556.5 206772593.0 189 1 206772594.0 228419832.0 190 1 228419833.0 228493443.5 191 1 228493444.5 231359647.5 192 1 231359648.5 231421919.5 193 1 231421920.5 241298169.0 194 1 241298170.0 241525907.0 195 1 241525908.0 243487777.0 196 1 243487778.0 243948408.0 197 1 243948409.0 Inf 198 2 -Inf 3566815.0 199 2 3566816.0 3591889.0 200 2 3591890.0 15941166.0 201 2 15941167.0 16249473.5 202 2 16249474.5 17752990.5 203 2 17752991.5 17799208.0 204 2 17799209.0 24028112.0 205 2 24028113.0 24046567.0 206 2 24046568.0 24493301.0 207 2 24493302.0 24779325.0 208 2 24779326.0 25199410.5 209 2 25199411.5 25345573.5 210 2 25345574.5 25345572.5 211 2 25345573.5 25697255.0 212 2 25697256.0 25697254.0 213 2 25697255.0 25903518.5 214 2 25903519.5 26782183.0 215 2 26782184.0 26845800.5 216 2 26845801.5 36831765.0 217 2 36831766.0 36973918.5 218 2 36973919.5 38069939.0 219 2 38069940.0 38075455.0 220 2 38075456.0 39150279.0 221 2 39150280.0 39239941.5 222 2 39239942.5 42113549.0 223 2 42113550.0 42332831.0 224 2 42332832.0 46336284.0 225 2 46336285.0 46432518.5 226 2 46432519.5 60656621.5 227 2 60656622.5 60839399.5 228 2 60839400.5 60839398.5 229 2 60839399.5 60932339.0 230 2 60932340.0 61474666.5 231 2 61474667.5 61679994.5 232 2 61679995.5 73972554.0 233 2 73972555.0 74135437.5 234 2 74135438.5 88803823.5 235 2 88803824.5 92188144.0 236 2 92188145.0 92188144.0 237 2 92188145.0 94090557.0 238 2 94090558.0 96253630.0 239 2 96253631.0 96265591.5 240 2 96265592.5 96331937.5 241 2 96331938.5 96435717.0 242 2 96435718.0 98459176.0 243 2 98459177.0 98588759.0 244 2 98588760.0 99516742.5 245 2 99516743.5 100058442.0 246 2 100058443.0 108723510.0 247 2 108723511.0 108785264.5 248 2 108785265.5 111123148.0 249 2 111123149.0 111582587.5 250 2 111582588.5 113217908.0 251 2 113217909.0 113278544.5 252 2 113278545.5 127232545.5 253 2 127232546.5 127298674.0 254 2 127298675.0 136050085.0 255 2 136050086.0 136500062.0 256 2 136500063.0 144159110.0 257 2 144159111.0 146154616.0 258 2 146154617.0 146154615.0 259 2 146154616.0 147931344.0 260 2 147931345.0 157737316.0 261 2 157737317.0 157808855.0 262 2 157808856.0 167912540.5 263 2 167912541.5 168351898.0 264 2 168351899.0 172530928.0 265 2 172530929.0 172665848.5 266 2 172665849.5 174799827.5 267 2 174799828.5 174974789.5 268 2 174974790.5 176091339.0 269 2 176091340.0 176097203.5 270 2 176097204.5 176097202.5 271 2 176097203.5 176107179.5 272 2 176107180.5 176107178.5 273 2 176107179.5 176112899.5 274 2 176112900.5 177223592.5 275 2 177223593.5 177328580.0 276 2 177328581.0 189783633.5 277 2 189783634.5 189967216.5 278 2 189967217.5 191021869.0 279 2 191021870.0 191197952.5 280 2 191197953.5 201245807.0 281 2 201245808.0 201289048.0 282 2 201289049.0 203600829.5 283 2 203600830.5 203904672.5 284 2 203904673.5 207579316.5 285 2 207579317.5 208210248.0 286 2 208210249.0 208210247.0 287 2 208210248.0 208267120.5 288 2 208267121.5 211031364.0 289 2 211031365.0 212366117.0 290 2 212366118.0 231988189.5 291 2 231988190.5 232361126.0 292 2 232361127.0 233759715.5 293 2 233759716.5 233772614.0 294 2 233772615.0 236543786.0 295 2 236543787.0 236833644.0 296 2 236833645.0 237817152.0 297 2 237817153.0 237828317.5 298 2 237828318.5 241833838.0 299 2 241833839.0 241864210.0 300 2 241864211.0 241864209.0 301 2 241864210.0 241900314.0 302 2 241900315.0 Inf 303 3 -Inf 10102660.0 304 3 10102661.0 10133911.5 305 3 10133912.5 10133910.5 306 3 10133911.5 10163839.5 307 3 10163840.5 12269428.5 308 3 12269429.5 12452413.5 309 3 12452414.5 12452412.5 310 3 12452413.5 12584164.0 311 3 12584165.0 12584163.0 312 3 12584164.0 12641297.0 313 3 12641298.0 13450178.5 314 3 13450179.5 13502973.0 315 3 13502974.0 14124853.0 316 3 14124854.0 14141855.0 317 3 14141856.0 14141854.0 318 3 14141855.0 14144095.0 319 3 14144096.0 14144094.0 320 3 14144095.0 14178591.0 321 3 14178592.0 30606615.0 322 3 30606616.0 30691951.5 323 3 30691952.5 32922382.0 324 3 32922383.0 32957800.5 325 3 32957801.5 36992936.0 326 3 36992937.0 37052229.0 327 3 37052230.0 38137710.5 328 3 38137711.5 38153158.0 329 3 38153159.0 38483580.5 330 3 38483581.5 38549702.0 331 3 38549703.0 40497069.0 332 3 40497070.0 40521225.5 333 3 40521226.5 40521224.5 334 3 40521225.5 40878352.0 335 3 40878353.0 40878351.0 336 3 40878352.0 41239445.5 337 3 41239446.5 46845870.0 338 3 46845871.0 46872099.0 339 3 46872100.0 49876215.5 340 3 49876216.5 49904457.0 341 3 49904458.0 50223549.0 342 3 50223550.0 50263765.0 343 3 50263766.0 52400842.5 344 3 52400843.5 52411282.0 345 3 52411283.0 60003234.5 346 3 60003235.5 61049517.5 347 3 61049518.5 69562660.0 348 3 69562661.0 69965912.5 349 3 69965913.5 69965911.5 350 3 69965912.5 70958643.0 351 3 70958644.0 70958642.0 352 3 70958643.0 71441400.0 353 3 71441401.0 71441399.0 354 3 71441400.0 72081246.5 355 3 72081247.5 72081245.5 356 3 72081246.5 72875154.5 357 3 72875155.5 88787421.0 358 3 88787422.0 90772457.0 359 3 90772458.0 90772457.0 360 3 90772458.0 93655574.0 361 3 93655575.0 100704325.0 362 3 100704326.0 100749418.0 363 3 100749419.0 105615358.0 364 3 105615359.0 106623409.5 365 3 106623410.5 114265367.5 366 3 114265368.5 114323509.5 367 3 114323510.5 119822027.0 368 3 119822028.0 120130138.5 369 3 120130139.5 122181624.5 370 3 122181625.5 122285192.0 371 3 122285193.0 122794342.5 372 3 122794343.5 122894654.0 373 3 122894655.0 124733098.0 374 3 124733099.0 124744048.5 375 3 124744049.5 124744047.5 376 3 124744048.5 124970871.5 377 3 124970872.5 124970870.5 378 3 124970871.5 125013508.0 379 3 125013509.0 128480777.5 380 3 128480778.5 128720081.5 381 3 128720082.5 134904973.0 382 3 134904974.0 135630340.0 383 3 135630341.0 138644109.0 384 3 138644110.0 138946929.0 385 3 138946930.0 149509713.0 386 3 149509714.0 149703885.0 387 3 149703886.0 155870131.5 388 3 155870132.5 156024971.0 389 3 156024972.0 158543756.0 390 3 158543757.0 158625740.5 391 3 158625741.5 168589953.0 392 3 168589954.0 169766198.5 393 3 169766199.5 170202110.5 394 3 170202111.5 170328768.5 395 3 170328769.5 176414635.5 396 3 176414636.5 177943553.5 397 3 177943554.5 177943552.5 398 3 177943553.5 179196947.5 399 3 179196948.5 179196946.5 400 3 179196947.5 179242486.0 401 3 179242487.0 182942692.5 402 3 182942693.5 182997839.0 403 3 182997840.0 183460050.5 404 3 183460051.5 183602932.0 405 3 183602933.0 184372219.5 406 3 184372220.5 184379309.0 407 3 184379310.0 185067387.5 408 3 185067388.5 185172535.5 409 3 185172536.5 185172534.5 410 3 185172535.5 185269720.5 411 3 185269721.5 185269719.5 412 3 185269720.5 185488436.5 413 3 185488437.5 185993162.5 414 3 185993163.5 186127835.5 415 3 186127836.5 186763599.0 416 3 186763600.0 186789492.5 417 3 186789493.5 187710429.0 418 3 187710430.0 189032588.0 419 3 189032589.0 189032587.0 420 3 189032588.0 189631317.5 421 3 189631318.5 189631316.5 422 3 189631317.5 189894867.5 423 3 189894868.5 195979842.5 424 3 195979843.5 196137628.5 425 3 196137629.5 Inf 426 4 -Inf 1769381.0 427 4 1769382.0 1810751.0 428 4 1810752.0 1810750.0 429 4 1810751.0 1874843.5 430 4 1874844.5 24309638.5 431 4 24309639.5 24691959.5 432 4 24691960.5 25540277.0 433 4 25540278.0 25716705.5 434 4 25716706.5 40125132.5 435 4 40125133.5 40289751.0 436 4 40289752.0 41745579.5 437 4 41745580.5 41843957.5 438 4 41843958.5 49712060.0 439 4 49712061.0 51743951.0 440 4 51743952.0 53371698.5 441 4 53371699.5 53460425.5 442 4 53460426.5 53460424.5 443 4 53460425.5 54167973.5 444 4 54167974.5 54295395.0 445 4 54295396.0 54477608.5 446 4 54477609.5 54477607.5 447 4 54477608.5 54738515.0 448 4 54738516.0 56468599.5 449 4 56468600.5 56493294.0 450 4 56493295.0 64866563.5 451 4 64866564.5 66580872.0 452 4 66580873.0 70993656.5 453 4 70993657.5 71132859.0 454 4 71132860.0 71132858.0 455 4 71132859.0 71568543.0 456 4 71568544.0 71568542.0 457 4 71568543.0 71656539.0 458 4 71656540.0 80235083.5 459 4 80235084.5 80311291.5 460 4 80311292.5 83459622.0 461 4 83459623.0 83529365.0 462 4 83529366.0 86819889.0 463 4 86819890.0 86919935.5 464 4 86919936.5 86919934.5 465 4 86919935.5 87149520.0 466 4 87149521.0 98243039.0 467 4 98243040.0 98457235.5 468 4 98457236.5 98457234.5 469 4 98457235.5 98887072.5 470 4 98887073.5 98887071.5 471 4 98887072.5 98962377.5 472 4 98962378.5 104840909.0 473 4 104840910.0 105322988.5 474 4 105322989.5 108041693.5 475 4 108041694.5 108455072.5 476 4 108455073.5 109891655.0 477 4 109891656.0 110031370.5 478 4 110031371.5 122450568.0 479 4 122450569.0 122522271.5 480 4 122522272.5 122522270.5 481 4 122522271.5 122785534.0 482 4 122785535.0 122785533.0 483 4 122785534.0 122892470.0 484 4 122892471.0 152041790.0 485 4 152041791.0 152527310.0 486 4 152527311.0 153669550.0 487 4 153669551.0 153707685.5 488 4 153707686.5 184303119.0 489 4 184303120.0 184529117.0 490 4 184529118.0 187356320.5 491 4 187356321.5 188147097.0 492 4 188147098.0 Inf 493 5 -Inf 92203.0 494 5 92204.0 212880.5 495 5 212881.5 3600254.0 496 5 3600255.0 5195908.5 497 5 5195909.5 7868376.5 498 5 7868377.5 7899988.5 499 5 7899989.5 31362200.5 500 5 31362201.5 31530470.0 501 5 31530471.0 35832278.0 502 5 35832279.0 35876463.5 503 5 35876464.5 38480870.0 504 5 38480871.0 38562602.5 505 5 38562603.5 38562601.5 506 5 38562602.5 38937677.5 507 5 38937678.5 44003754.5 508 5 44003755.5 44598742.0 509 5 44598743.0 44598741.0 510 5 44598742.0 46485899.0 511 5 46485900.0 46485899.0 512 5 46485900.0 50059807.0 513 5 50059808.0 55932464.5 514 5 55932465.5 56038149.0 515 5 56038150.0 56038148.0 516 5 56038149.0 56793591.0 517 5 56793592.0 56793590.0 518 5 56793591.0 56901880.5 519 5 56901881.5 56901879.5 520 5 56901880.5 57968409.0 521 5 57968410.0 57968408.0 522 5 57968409.0 58477206.5 523 5 58477207.5 67711562.0 524 5 67711563.0 68695781.0 525 5 68695782.0 80654138.0 526 5 80654139.0 80918195.0 527 5 80918196.0 122285422.0 528 5 122285423.0 122619371.5 529 5 122619372.5 132877451.5 530 5 132877452.5 132948842.0 531 5 132948843.0 138279957.0 532 5 138279958.0 138339635.5 533 5 138339636.5 138455664.5 534 5 138455665.5 138488236.5 535 5 138488237.5 138488235.5 536 5 138488236.5 138678529.5 537 5 138678530.5 138678528.5 538 5 138678529.5 138850313.5 539 5 138850314.5 138850312.5 540 5 138850313.5 138877900.5 541 5 138877901.5 138877899.5 542 5 138877900.5 138940454.0 543 5 138940455.0 139474342.0 544 5 139474343.0 139540893.5 545 5 139540894.5 149438384.5 546 5 149438385.5 149551399.0 547 5 149551400.0 150402040.5 548 5 150402041.5 150428522.0 549 5 150428523.0 157071096.5 550 5 157071097.5 157123776.5 551 5 157123777.5 157123775.5 552 5 157123776.5 157173372.5 553 5 157173373.5 157173371.5 554 5 157173372.5 157253013.5 555 5 157253014.5 158278952.5 556 5 158278953.5 159151339.0 557 5 159151340.0 159151338.0 558 5 159151339.0 160058019.0 559 5 160058020.0 160058018.0 560 5 160058019.0 160159089.5 561 5 160159090.5 161616275.5 562 5 161616276.5 161774501.0 563 5 161774502.0 177510733.5 564 5 177510734.5 177519405.5 565 5 177519406.5 Inf 566 6 -Inf 393056.0 567 6 393057.0 447013.5 568 6 447014.5 447012.5 569 6 447013.5 1312313.0 570 6 1312314.0 1312312.0 571 6 1312313.0 1351806.5 572 6 1351807.5 3046804.0 573 6 3046805.0 3116223.0 574 6 3116224.0 14047646.5 575 6 14047647.5 14723319.0 576 6 14723320.0 18121677.0 577 6 18121678.0 18153838.5 578 6 18153839.5 18153837.5 579 6 18153838.5 18223759.0 580 6 18223760.0 18223758.0 581 6 18223759.0 18331639.0 582 6 18331640.0 18331638.0 583 6 18331639.0 20472002.0 584 6 20472003.0 20472001.0 585 6 20472002.0 20518325.5 586 6 20518326.5 26018895.0 587 6 26018896.0 26071887.5 588 6 26071888.5 26071886.5 589 6 26071887.5 26115732.5 590 6 26115733.5 26115731.5 591 6 26115732.5 26279233.5 592 6 26279234.5 26865396.0 593 6 26865397.0 27194156.0 594 6 27194157.0 27194155.0 595 6 27194156.0 27641104.0 596 6 27641105.0 27641103.0 597 6 27641104.0 27900944.5 598 6 27900945.5 28739866.5 599 6 28739867.5 28959323.5 600 6 28959324.5 29700343.0 601 6 29700344.0 29945722.0 602 6 29945723.0 30418121.0 603 6 30418122.0 30519291.5 604 6 30519292.5 30519290.5 605 6 30519291.5 30569890.0 606 6 30569891.0 30569889.0 607 6 30569890.0 30596124.5 608 6 30596125.5 30695604.5 609 6 30695605.5 30717712.5 610 6 30717713.5 31575422.5 611 6 31575423.5 31578144.5 612 6 31578145.5 31736287.5 613 6 31736288.5 31762687.5 614 6 31762688.5 32256218.5 615 6 32256219.5 32422440.5 616 6 32422441.5 32422439.5 617 6 32422440.5 32819520.5 618 6 32819521.5 32897166.0 619 6 32897167.0 32962269.0 620 6 32962270.0 32962268.0 621 6 32962269.0 32993719.5 622 6 32993720.5 32993718.5 623 6 32993719.5 33139964.0 624 6 33139965.0 33317587.5 625 6 33317588.5 33325891.0 626 6 33325892.0 34198843.5 627 6 34198844.5 34423807.5 628 6 34423808.5 35439064.5 629 6 35439065.5 35466323.5 630 6 35466324.5 36561215.5 631 6 36561216.5 36694940.0 632 6 36694941.0 37099075.5 633 6 37099076.5 37193145.0 634 6 37193146.0 41668910.0 635 6 41668911.0 41736888.5 636 6 41736889.5 41934055.0 637 6 41934056.0 41996454.0 638 6 41996455.0 43579259.5 639 6 43579260.5 43615540.0 640 6 43615541.0 43615539.0 641 6 43615540.0 43770304.5 642 6 43770305.5 43770303.5 643 6 43770304.5 43789542.0 644 6 43789543.0 44258236.5 645 6 44258237.5 44269285.5 646 6 44269286.5 58553887.0 647 6 58553888.0 59829934.0 648 6 59829935.0 89022059.5 649 6 89022060.5 89091276.5 650 6 89091277.5 103398951.0 651 6 103398952.0 104898309.0 652 6 104898310.0 104898308.0 653 6 104898309.0 105724776.0 654 6 105724777.0 111631396.5 655 6 111631397.5 112072095.0 656 6 112072096.0 113900616.0 657 6 113900617.0 114014004.0 658 6 114014005.0 117454033.0 659 6 117454034.0 117555739.5 660 6 117555740.5 117555738.5 661 6 117555739.5 118194977.0 662 6 118194978.0 126729678.5 663 6 126729679.5 127238807.0 664 6 127238808.0 134111274.0 665 6 134111275.0 134617854.5 666 6 134617855.5 134617853.5 667 6 134617854.5 135144364.0 668 6 135144365.0 135144363.0 669 6 135144364.0 135251284.0 670 6 135251285.0 136257969.5 671 6 136257970.5 136309889.0 672 6 136309890.0 137178136.5 673 6 137178137.5 137356275.0 674 6 137356276.0 137356274.0 675 6 137356275.0 137776056.0 676 6 137776057.0 137776055.0 677 6 137776056.0 137986655.0 678 6 137986656.0 138802950.0 679 6 138802951.0 138904941.0 680 6 138904942.0 149650004.0 681 6 149650005.0 149723198.0 682 6 149723199.0 151359383.5 683 6 151359384.5 151389280.5 684 6 151389281.5 151389279.5 685 6 151389280.5 151718925.0 686 6 151718926.0 151718924.0 687 6 151718925.0 152099058.5 688 6 152099059.5 158765655.0 689 6 158765656.0 158845772.0 690 6 158845773.0 159476855.5 691 6 159476856.5 159731697.5 692 6 159731698.5 161126690.0 693 6 161126691.0 161349788.0 694 6 161349789.0 161349787.0 695 6 161349788.0 162727896.5 696 6 162727897.5 162727895.5 697 6 162727896.5 163364962.0 698 6 163364963.0 163364961.0 699 6 163364962.0 163641508.5 700 6 163641509.5 166956302.0 701 6 166956303.0 167088123.0 702 6 167088124.0 167088122.0 703 6 167088123.0 167584157.5 704 6 167584158.5 167584156.5 705 6 167584157.5 168109509.5 706 6 168109510.5 Inf 707 7 -Inf 5871271.0 708 7 5871272.0 6004227.5 709 7 6004228.5 13274173.5 710 7 13274174.5 13988756.5 711 7 13988757.5 26187961.5 712 7 26187962.5 26201714.0 713 7 26201715.0 27159206.5 714 7 27159207.5 27221418.0 715 7 27221419.0 27221417.0 716 7 27221418.0 27830662.0 717 7 27830663.0 27830661.0 718 7 27830662.0 28141151.5 719 7 28141152.5 37902153.0 720 7 37902154.0 37918627.5 721 7 37918628.5 37918626.5 722 7 37918627.5 38237667.5 723 7 38237668.5 38237666.5 724 7 38237667.5 38357730.0 725 7 38357731.0 41274929.5 726 7 41274930.5 41702741.5 727 7 41702742.5 50318735.0 728 7 50318736.0 50422844.0 729 7 50422845.0 58169652.0 730 7 58169653.0 61528020.0 731 7 61528021.0 79794165.0 732 7 79794166.0 80672313.5 733 7 80672314.5 86644226.0 734 7 86644227.0 86877953.5 735 7 86877954.5 97794217.0 736 7 97794218.0 98003173.0 737 7 98003174.0 99638975.5 738 7 99638976.5 99679943.0 739 7 99679944.0 102276498.0 740 7 102276499.0 102284041.5 741 7 102284042.5 105520164.5 742 7 105520165.5 105568309.5 743 7 105568310.5 106764009.0 744 7 106764010.0 106975125.5 745 7 106975126.5 107762204.5 746 7 107762205.5 107843733.0 747 7 107843734.0 116683995.5 748 7 116683996.5 116796169.0 749 7 116796170.0 116796168.0 750 7 116796169.0 117479653.5 751 7 117479654.5 124764123.5 752 7 124764124.5 124805828.0 753 7 124805829.0 124805827.0 754 7 124805828.0 125712559.5 755 7 125712560.5 127634069.5 756 7 127634070.5 127999426.0 757 7 127999427.0 127999425.0 758 7 127999426.0 128052326.5 759 7 128052327.5 128052325.5 760 7 128052326.5 128166957.5 761 7 128166958.5 129178412.5 762 7 129178413.5 129296881.0 763 7 129296882.0 137862881.0 764 7 137862882.0 137941750.5 765 7 137941751.5 137941749.5 766 7 137941750.5 138288796.0 767 7 138288797.0 138288795.0 768 7 138288796.0 138589706.5 769 7 138589707.5 139365732.0 770 7 139365733.0 139437790.0 771 7 139437791.0 140724003.5 772 7 140724004.5 140967443.0 773 7 140967444.0 142276644.0 774 7 142276645.0 142532731.5 775 7 142532732.5 142532730.5 776 7 142532731.5 142617434.0 777 7 142617435.0 142617433.0 778 7 142617434.0 142769448.5 779 7 142769449.5 142769447.5 780 7 142769448.5 142790651.5 781 7 142790652.5 142790650.5 782 7 142790651.5 142838554.5 783 7 142838555.5 142939948.5 784 7 142939949.5 142994102.0 785 7 142994103.0 143354020.5 786 7 143354021.5 143370220.5 787 7 143370221.5 148803448.5 788 7 148803449.5 148865624.0 789 7 148865625.0 150902944.5 790 7 150902945.5 150960732.5 791 7 150960733.5 151455161.5 792 7 151455162.5 151876732.5 793 7 151876733.5 151876731.5 794 7 151876732.5 152129132.5 795 7 152129133.5 Inf 796 8 -Inf 11640646.5 797 8 11640647.5 11758567.5 798 8 11758568.5 23201256.5 799 8 23201257.5 23258369.0 800 8 23258370.0 23258368.0 801 8 23258369.0 23287987.0 802 8 23287988.0 23287986.0 803 8 23287987.0 23626467.0 804 8 23626468.0 23626466.0 805 8 23626467.0 23692599.0 806 8 23692600.0 26168221.0 807 8 26168222.0 26376702.5 808 8 26376703.5 37315794.5 809 8 37315795.5 37718175.5 810 8 37718176.5 37718174.5 811 8 37718175.5 37781033.0 812 8 37781034.0 37781032.0 813 8 37781033.0 37843288.5 814 8 37843289.5 38144863.0 815 8 38144864.0 38272330.0 816 8 38272331.0 38272329.0 817 8 38272330.0 38370262.5 818 8 38370263.5 38370261.5 819 8 38370262.5 38412022.0 820 8 38412023.0 38412021.0 821 8 38412022.0 38464476.0 822 8 38464477.0 39875472.0 823 8 39875473.0 39938578.5 824 8 39938579.5 42101740.5 825 8 42101741.5 42232182.0 826 8 42232183.0 42232181.0 827 8 42232182.0 42334962.0 828 8 42334963.0 42892377.0 829 8 42892378.0 43043200.5 830 8 43043201.5 44033743.0 831 8 44033744.0 45877265.0 832 8 45877266.0 45877265.0 833 8 45877266.0 47755961.5 834 8 47755962.5 53964225.5 835 8 53964226.5 54031474.5 836 8 54031475.5 54031473.5 837 8 54031474.5 54302711.5 838 8 54302712.5 54302710.5 839 8 54302711.5 54468569.0 840 8 54468570.0 55910891.5 841 8 55910892.5 56039873.0 842 8 56039874.0 56039872.0 843 8 56039873.0 56139889.0 844 8 56139890.0 56139888.0 845 8 56139889.0 56259352.0 846 8 56259353.0 70091519.5 847 8 70091520.5 70579041.5 848 8 70579042.5 76922981.5 849 8 76922982.5 79714939.5 850 8 79714940.5 79714938.5 851 8 79714939.5 79843227.5 852 8 79843228.5 89930298.0 853 8 89930299.0 89992950.0 854 8 89992951.0 91677584.0 855 8 91677585.0 92618589.0 856 8 92618590.0 107699118.5 857 8 107699119.5 108355889.5 858 8 108355890.5 116813442.5 859 8 116813443.5 116902367.0 860 8 116902368.0 116902366.0 861 8 116902367.0 117665101.5 862 8 117665102.5 117665100.5 863 8 117665101.5 118111226.0 864 8 118111227.0 124463472.0 865 8 124463473.0 124499844.0 866 8 124499845.0 127146223.0 867 8 127146224.0 128744720.0 868 8 128744721.0 132112649.5 869 8 132112650.5 132127542.0 870 8 132127543.0 133238597.5 871 8 133238598.5 133380824.0 872 8 133380825.0 144511132.0 873 8 144511133.0 144518662.0 874 8 144518663.0 Inf 875 9 -Inf 5007132.0 876 9 5007133.0 5102264.0 877 9 5102265.0 5102263.0 878 9 5102264.0 5446011.5 879 9 5446012.5 5446010.5 880 9 5446011.5 5680847.0 881 9 5680848.0 13667890.0 882 9 13667891.0 14575408.5 883 9 14575409.5 15462567.5 884 9 15462568.5 15517298.5 885 9 15517299.5 20066460.0 886 9 20066461.0 20668737.5 887 9 20668738.5 21641984.5 888 9 21641985.5 22053680.5 889 9 22053681.5 27109335.0 890 9 27109336.0 27229231.5 891 9 27229232.5 35073861.5 892 9 35073862.5 35084223.0 893 9 35084224.0 36758792.5 894 9 36758793.5 37023521.5 895 9 37023522.5 43389634.0 896 9 43389635.0 45518558.0 897 9 45518559.0 83962706.5 898 9 83962707.5 83989539.5 899 9 83989540.5 83989538.5 900 9 83989539.5 84505602.5 901 9 84505603.5 84505601.5 902 9 84505602.5 85284131.0 903 9 85284132.0 90728776.5 904 9 90728777.5 91054829.0 905 9 91054830.0 92409772.5 906 9 92409773.5 92437284.5 907 9 92437285.5 95101251.0 908 9 95101252.0 95346017.5 909 9 95346018.5 95346016.5 910 9 95346017.5 95446265.0 911 9 95446266.0 97673208.5 912 9 97673209.5 97775465.0 913 9 97775466.0 98802105.0 914 9 98802106.0 98896436.0 915 9 98896437.0 99069113.0 916 9 99069114.0 99149519.5 917 9 99149520.5 99149518.5 918 9 99149519.5 99524605.5 919 9 99524606.5 99524604.5 920 9 99524605.5 99922000.0 921 9 99922001.0 107407594.0 922 9 107407595.0 108171866.5 923 9 108171867.5 125146464.5 924 9 125146465.5 125195032.5 925 9 125195033.5 127815419.5 926 9 127815420.5 127861243.5 927 9 127861244.5 129884996.0 928 9 129884997.0 130063195.0 929 9 130063196.0 130713921.5 930 9 130713922.5 130889521.0 931 9 130889522.0 132895787.5 932 9 132895788.5 132957671.5 933 9 132957672.5 132957670.5 934 9 132957671.5 133077358.0 935 9 133077359.0 133077357.0 936 9 133077358.0 133151220.5 937 9 133151221.5 134030119.0 938 9 134030120.0 134096619.5 939 9 134096620.5 134096618.5 940 9 134096619.5 134355054.0 941 9 134355055.0 134355053.0 942 9 134355054.0 134539185.0 943 9 134539186.0 136898578.5 944 9 136898579.5 136933360.5 945 9 136933361.5 Inf

The stderror is Error in throw.default("INTERNAL ERROR: Detected overlapping gaps on chromosome ", :Dec 18 2023, 4:05 PM INTERNAL ERROR: Detected overlapping gaps on chromosome 10 in argument 'gaps'. Calls: runAbsoluteCN ... -> throw -> throw.default In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) Execution halted

Session Info R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18) Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

Matrix products: default BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/

locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C

attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] compiler_4.1.0

lima1 commented 9 months ago

Hi @akaviaLab .

never seen this one before.

You are using a slightly older version. Don't think it's fixed, but you can easily update with: BiocManager::install("lima1/PureCN", ref = "RELEASE_3_18")

Does it work with the GATK segmentation (Needs the gatk binary in path)? It's probably better for lower coverage WES anyways.


akaviaLab commented 9 months ago

I'll try it with the newer version and with GATK segmentation. I assume that means using GATK4 as the segmentation function, correct? What do you mean by lower coverage? The coverage seems to be X90 or so - is that what you'd consider low? Also, when running the default segmentation it recommended PSCBS, which I assume isn't as good for this coverage? What kind of coverage do we need in order to use PSCBS please?

Thank you!

lima1 commented 9 months ago

Yes, it looks like the Inf values causing issues are generated somehow by the PSCBS segmentation. I would need debug data to dig deeper. Let me know if you can share minimal data to make it reproducible and I'll send you a link to upload. But if GATK works, you should be fine.

Correct, just GATK as segmentation function. That particular sample is ~70X. It's fine for WES, but most use PureCN with targeted panels at much higher coverage and PSCBS is tuned mostly on those samples.

lima1 commented 9 months ago

You can also try turning off off-target reads. They don't help much with WES. There is a parameter to specify the minimum fraction of intervals being off-target. If that fixes things, there might be something wrong with the interval file (although would be weird if your current setup works on some samples as you indicate).

akaviaLab commented 9 months ago

I've seen an issue where you recommend setting this parameter as 1 (I think, but is there an intermediate value you'd recommend? Also, I have a mixture of coverage - some genes should reach around X400 or so. If that's the case, is using GATK still a good idea?

Thank you very much!

On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 4:10 PM Markus Riester @.***> wrote:

You can also try turning off off-target reads. They don't help much with WES. There is a parameter to specify the minimum fraction of intervals being off-target. If that fixes things, there might be something wrong with the interval file (although would be weird if that works on some samples as you indicate).

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lima1 commented 9 months ago

Anything higher than what you have works. 228926 on-target, 16245 off-target, so even 0.1 would do.

yes, GATK should still be fine.