Boost version should be limited up to (1.7.2) since Boost.Geometry in Boost 1.73 deprecates support for C++03 and will require C++14 from Boost 1.75 onwards. I've tried to use Boost 1.77 and compile Boost 1.77 with cxx-std14, modify the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14, But some other compatiable problems ocurred. Then I get the version of boost back to 1.72.
gcc - language gfortran needs to be enable since OpenBLAS is required here.'
<SimpleMPL.cpp>line 2167 needs to be annotated IF GUROBI is not installed!!!
needs to be enable since OpenBLAS is required here.'<SimpleMPL.cpp>
line 2167
needs to be annotated IF GUROBI is not installed!!!