limbonaut / limboai

LimboAI - Behavior Trees and State Machines for Godot 4
MIT License
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Crash when freeing agent with performance monitoring enabled #132

Closed jjennings955 closed 3 weeks ago

jjennings955 commented 3 weeks ago

I had an issue when I freed my agent with a BTPlayer with monitor_performance = true, it would crash the game completely with no error message.

I attached a minimal example. If you run main.tscn and click "spawn agent" and then "free agent bad", it should crash immediately with no error message (or it might take a few tries). If you spawn an agent and then click "free agent good" it doesn't crash.

minimal example:

This is with the version from the asset store (included) and Godot 4.2.2 (15073afe3)

I also copied some of this logic (below) from the demo code and it still crashed, but I didn't include any of that in this minimal example.

func die() -> void:
    if _is_dead:
    _is_dead = true
    root.process_mode = Node.PROCESS_MODE_DISABLED"death")
    collision_shape_2d.set_deferred(&"disabled", true)

    for child in get_children():
        if child is BTPlayer or child is LimboHSM:

    if get_tree():
        await get_tree().create_timer(10.0).timeout
limbonaut commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for reporting! I made a PR to fix it. Should come with v1.1.0 release in a few weeks. You can also use this build in the meantime: