limegrow / ingenico-ogone-prestashop-payments

Prestashop module for Ingenico ePayments (Ogone)
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Pending payment #1

Open momodemo333 opened 3 years ago

momodemo333 commented 3 years ago


Is it possible to deactivate the creation of the order with the status pending payment when the user switches to Ingenico payment? This causes a lot of orders in Prestashop, problems with other modules (cart abandoned with sendinblue ...), cart rule blocked for the user ...



olegisk commented 3 years ago

Hello @momodemo333 , Can you explain which problems do you have with cart abandoned with sendinblue and cart rule please?

olegisk commented 3 years ago

@momodemo333 Are you sure that you have configured the module correctly? Because big number of "pending payment" orders is not normal. Can we check your site? You can contact me

Amulliez commented 3 years ago

Hello @olegisk,

I have the same problem as @momodemo333 . When a customer switches to Ingenico payment, an order is created automatically while the customer has not yet entered their card numbers.

This causes a lot of problems: .



Dreimus commented 3 years ago

Hello @olegisk,

Same problem here, this is very inconvenient for logistic team. Can we help you in any way to help solving the issue ?


olegisk commented 3 years ago

Hello, @Amulliez @Dreimus Architecture of Ingenico module assumes order creation on payment submission event if it wasn't paid. But there's shouldn't be any emails. It sends emails after payment only. If you have this bug then i think you have problem with hooks. Please verify that you're upgraded the module correctly

If the problem is still exists then please contact me

Regarding problem with order creation then we could solve this problem, but there's needed massive refactoring of the module. But we need to have confirmation from Ingenico company. So this issue will be still opened.


xlkiller commented 3 years ago

Hi, same problem for me

Module Version 5.01

After Customer Oder: No Info Paiement Ingenico and Pending payment

Order Screenshot


olegisk commented 3 years ago

@xlkiller Please check credentials of DirectLink and logs in var/logs/ingenico_epayments.log

lthienard commented 3 years ago

@xlkiller Please check credentials of DirectLink and logs in var/logs/ingenico_epayments.log

I found multiple ingenico.DEBUG: WebHook: Error: SHASIGN parameter not present in parameters in logs. I saved the SHA-IN and SHA-OUT key on the prestashop module and the ingenico back office, I would tell you if that corrected the problem.

lthienard commented 3 years ago

After having registered the SHA-IN and OUT key I come back and for the last order paid by credit card I have the order in status "Ingenico: Payment pending"

In the logs for this order I only have 2 "ingenico.DEBUG" lines without any error line, this line contains all the information of the order and the customer.

In Ingenico BO i have Default operation code setting on Sale

I do not understand why the orders are placed on this status

lthienard commented 3 years ago

3 minutes after order i have this:

ingenico.DEBUG: WebHook: Error: SHASIGN parameter not present in parameters. []

olegisk commented 3 years ago

@lthienard Hi, can you contact me I will try to help you

lthienard commented 2 years ago

Sorry for long time ...

After multiple try after paid by card i 'm redirect to this url https://MY-SITE.COM/ingenico_epayments/success?order_id=5264&payment_mode=REDIRECT&return_state=ACCEPT

But with BLANK page and in Browser Console:

GET https://MY-SITE.COM/ingenico_epayments/success?order_id=5264&payment_mode=REDIRECT&return_state=ACCEPT [HTTP/2 500 Internal Server Error 1357ms]

lthienard commented 2 years ago

@lthienard Hi, can you contact me I will try to help you


Can you help me ?

olegisk commented 2 years ago

@lthienard Hi, can you contact me I will try to help you


Can you help me ?

I've answered you

olegisk commented 2 years ago

Sorry for long time ...

After multiple try after paid by card i 'm redirect to this url https://MY-SITE.COM/ingenico_epayments/success?order_id=5264&payment_mode=REDIRECT&return_state=ACCEPT

But with BLANK page and in Browser Console:

GET https://MY-SITE.COM/ingenico_epayments/success?order_id=5264&payment_mode=REDIRECT&return_state=ACCEPT [HTTP/2 500 Internal Server Error 1357ms]

You've got 500 error without details. But you can check details in log files of your webserver.

lthienard commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for your help. By starting again from the beginning and thanks to your video I practically solved the problem.

Now I am redirected to my site and the order goes to "Payment accepted" status.

Only problem on my site I get the message "An error occurred. Please try to place the order again." ...

In the Ingenico logs I have a "No status field" error

olegisk commented 2 years ago

@lthienard Please check Technical information->Transaction feedback and make sure that STATUS field in lists of "Dynamic e-Commerce parameters", "Dynamic parameters" and "Dynamic parameters iin DirectLink"

lthienard commented 2 years ago

@lthienard Please check Technical information->Transaction feedback and make sure that STATUS field in lists of "Dynamic e-Commerce parameters", "Dynamic parameters" and "Dynamic parameters iin DirectLink"

Resolved, thank's , There were too many fields selected

fabian-lange commented 2 years ago

Are there any plans on removing the the creation of pending Payments?

Also for our shop it creates quite some issues, even if the order is canceled later.

At first the PS-Module ps_emailalerts fires its order-alert mail on order creation, which leads to emails being sent before the money has been paid. Therefore a lot of confusion in the management of the shop is created.

Sometimes "pending Payment"-Orders are created and never canceled. This leads to issues if the customer orders a new cart. Somehow it's not the new cart which gets sent to payment but the old one which is on "pending Payment". This way some customers pay Orders which are "dead" for days already.

An option to create orders ONLY on successful payment would solve quite a lot of problems in prestashop.

Thanks for your answer in advance.

Best Regards

olegisk commented 2 years ago

@Fobba199l I don't mind implementing this feature. But you must ask

momodemo333 commented 2 years ago

Are there any plans on removing the the creation of pending Payments?

Also for our shop it creates quite some issues, even if the order is canceled later.

At first the PS-Module ps_emailalerts fires its order-alert mail on order creation, which leads to emails being sent before the money has been paid. Therefore a lot of confusion in the management of the shop is created.

Sometimes "pending Payment"-Orders are created and never canceled. This leads to issues if the customer orders a new cart. Somehow it's not the new cart which gets sent to payment but the old one which is on "pending Payment". This way some customers pay Orders which are "dead" for days already.

An option to create orders ONLY on successful payment would solve quite a lot of problems in prestashop.

Thanks for your answer in advance.

Best Regards

A new module is available for Ingenico / Worldline:

This new module creates an order only if a payment is initiated.

I use this module for one of my customers since October 2021 (we were the beta tester for Worldline 😉 ).