limengdu / MR24HPC1_ESPHome_external_components

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Adding I2c grove Hum + temp #10

Closed fabiendostie closed 2 months ago

fabiendostie commented 2 months ago

I have a simple question. In the example on the wiki where a Temperature + Humidity I2C grove is added to the kit. The tutorial tells me to add it as a aht sensor in the .yaml code

  sda: GPIO6
  scl: GPIO7
  scan: True
  id: bus_0x38
  - platform: aht10
      name: "Bedroom Temperature"
      name: "Bedroom Humidity"
    update_interval: 60s

My issue is that the grove sensor itself is a DHT20v2 shouldn't I be using esphome's DHT temp+hum Sensor instead? If it's the case, what pins should I enter since for the DHT sensor 'pin' is a required option for [sensor.dht].

I get temp and humidity data using - platform: aht10, but the data seems wrong, temperature is way too high.

Thank you.

limengdu commented 2 months ago

Hi, according to the information you provided, you are using DHT20, so you should need to use the yaml code here. The DHT code is using GPIO and the DHT20 is an IIC protocol.

fabiendostie commented 2 months ago

OK, so my .yaml is okay?

  sda: GPIO6
  scl: GPIO7
  scan: True
  id: bus_0x38
  - platform: aht10
      name: "Bedroom Temperature"
      name: "Bedroom Humidity"
    update_interval: 60s

temperatures and humidity seems waaaaay off though. any idea why? Maybe the sensor should be outside the enclosure?

limengdu commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure if it's the DHT20 IIC address you're using, if that's correct then there's nothing wrong with the yaml code. It's really possible that the high temperatures are caused by the heat from the radar working, so maybe putting it outside the case is a better option.