Written by Emily Curd (eecurd@g.ucla.edu), Jesse Gomer (jessegomer@gmail.com), Gaurav Kandlikar (gkandlikar@ucla.edu), Zack Gold (zjgold@ucla.edu), Max Ogden (max@maxogden.com), Lenore Pipes (lpipes@berkeley.edu)and Baochen Shi (biosbc@gmail.com). Assistance was provided by Rachel Meyer (rsmeyer@ucla.edu).
All reads are first globally aligned against the CRUX database using Bowtie 2.
Should this read "All ASVs are first globally...". Similarly in the following sentence.
[x] Line 29 of README indicates that there are CRUX DBs available in DRYAD, but later on (Line 208) the link is to a google drive- which will you want to use in the long term?
Should this read "All ASVs are first globally...". Similarly in the following sentence.