liminspace / django-mjml

The simplest way to use MJML in Django templates.
MIT License
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Scheduled monthly dependency update for March #123

Closed pyup-bot closed 3 years ago

pyup-bot commented 3 years ago

Update wheel from 0.35.1 to 0.36.2.

Changelog ### 0.36.2 ``` - Updated vendored ``packaging`` library to v20.8 - Fixed wheel sdist missing ``LICENSE.txt`` - Don't use default ``macos/arm64`` deployment target in calculating the platform tag for fat binaries (PR by Ronald Oussoren) ``` ### 0.36.1 ``` - Fixed ``AssertionError`` when ``MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET`` was set to ``11`` (PR by Grzegorz Bokota and François-Xavier Coudert) - Fixed regression introduced in 0.36.0 on Python 2.7 when a custom generator name was passed as unicode (Scikit-build) (``TypeError: 'unicode' does not have the buffer interface``) ``` ### 0.36.0 ``` - Added official Python 3.9 support - Updated vendored ``packaging`` library to v20.7 - Switched to always using LF as line separator when generating ``WHEEL`` files (on Windows, CRLF was being used instead) - The ABI tag is taken from the sysconfig SOABI value. On PyPy the SOABI value is ``pypy37-pp73`` which is not compliant with PEP 3149, as it should have both the API tag and the platform tag. This change future-proofs any change in PyPy's SOABI tag to make sure only the ABI tag is used by wheel. - Fixed regression and test for ``bdist_wheel --plat-name``. It was ignored for C extensions in v0.35, but the regression was not detected by tests. ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo:

Update twine from 1.15.0 to 3.3.0.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: - Docs:

Update coverage from 5.2.1 to 5.5.

Changelog ### 5.5 ``` -------------------------- - ``coverage combine`` has a new option, ``--keep`` to keep the original data files after combining them. The default is still to delete the files after they have been combined. This was requested in `issue 1108`_ and implemented in `pull request 1110`_. Thanks, Éric Larivière. - When reporting missing branches in ``coverage report``, branches aren't reported that jump to missing lines. This adds to the long-standing behavior of not reporting branches from missing lines. Now branches are only reported if both the source and destination lines are executed. Closes both `issue 1065`_ and `issue 955`_. - Minor improvements to the HTML report: - The state of the line visibility selector buttons is saved in local storage so you don't have to fiddle with them so often, fixing `issue 1123`_. - It has a little more room for line numbers so that 4-digit numbers work well, fixing `issue 1124`_. - Improved the error message when combining line and branch data, so that users will be more likely to understand what's happening, closing `issue 803`_. .. _issue 803: .. _issue 955: .. _issue 1065: .. _issue 1108: .. _pull request 1110: .. _issue 1123: .. _issue 1124: .. _changes_54: ``` ### 5.4 ``` -------------------------- - The text report produced by ``coverage report`` now always outputs a TOTAL line, even if only one Python file is reported. This makes regex parsing of the output easier. Thanks, Judson Neer. This had been requested a number of times (`issue 1086`_, `issue 922`_, `issue 732`_). - The ``skip_covered`` and ``skip_empty`` settings in the configuration file can now be specified in the ``[html]`` section, so that text reports and HTML reports can use separate settings. The HTML report will still use the ``[report]`` settings if there isn't a value in the ``[html]`` section. Closes `issue 1090`_. - Combining files on Windows across drives now works properly, fixing `issue 577`_. Thanks, `Valentin Lab <pr1080_>`_. - Fix an obscure warning from deep in the _decimal module, as reported in `issue 1084`_. - Update to support Python 3.10 alphas in progress, including `PEP 626: Precise line numbers for debugging and other tools <pep626_>`_. .. _issue 577: .. _issue 732: .. _issue 922: .. _issue 1084: .. _issue 1086: .. _issue 1090: .. _pr1080: .. _pep626: .. _changes_531: ``` ### 5.3.1 ``` ---------------------------- - When using ``--source`` on a large source tree, v5.x was slower than previous versions. This performance regression is now fixed, closing `issue 1037`_. - Mysterious SQLite errors can happen on PyPy, as reported in `issue 1010`_. An immediate retry seems to fix the problem, although it is an unsatisfying solution. - The HTML report now saves the sort order in a more widely supported way, fixing `issue 986`_. Thanks, Sebastián Ramírez (`pull request 1066`_). - The HTML report pages now have a :ref:`Sleepy Snake <sleepy>` favicon. - Wheels are now provided for manylinux2010, and for PyPy3 (pp36 and pp37). - Continuous integration has moved from Travis and AppVeyor to GitHub Actions. .. _issue 986: .. _issue 1037: .. _issue 1010: .. _pull request 1066: .. _changes_53: ``` ### 5.3 ``` -------------------------- - The ``source`` setting has always been interpreted as either a file path or a module, depending on which existed. If both interpretations were valid, it was assumed to be a file path. The new ``source_pkgs`` setting can be used to name a package to disambiguate this case. Thanks, Thomas Grainger. Fixes `issue 268`_. - If a plugin was disabled due to an exception, we used to still try to record its information, causing an exception, as reported in `issue 1011`_. This is now fixed. .. _issue 268: .. _issue 1011: .. _changes_521: ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo:

Update django from 1.11.29 to 3.1.7.

Changelog ### 3.1.7 ``` ========================== *February 19, 2021* Django 3.1.7 fixes a security issue and a bug in 3.1.6. CVE-2021-23336: Web cache poisoning via ``django.utils.http.limited_parse_qsl()`` ================================================================================= Django contains a copy of :func:`urllib.parse.parse_qsl` which was added to backport some security fixes. A further security fix has been issued recently such that ``parse_qsl()`` no longer allows using ``;`` as a query parameter separator by default. Django now includes this fix. See :bpo:`42967` for further details. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 that caused ``RuntimeError`` instead of connection errors when using only the ``'postgres'`` database (:ticket:`32403`). ========================== ``` ### 3.1.6 ``` ========================== *February 1, 2021* Django 3.1.6 fixes a security issue with severity "low" and a bug in 3.1.5. CVE-2021-3281: Potential directory-traversal via ``archive.extract()`` ====================================================================== The ``django.utils.archive.extract()`` function, used by :option:`startapp --template` and :option:`startproject --template`, allowed directory-traversal via an archive with absolute paths or relative paths with dot segments. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed an admin layout issue in Django 3.1 where changelist filter controls would become squashed (:ticket:`32391`). ========================== ``` ### 3.1.5 ``` ========================== *January 4, 2021* Django 3.1.5 fixes several bugs in 3.1.4. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed ``__isnull=True`` lookup on key transforms for :class:`~django.db.models.JSONField` with Oracle and SQLite (:ticket:`32252`). * Fixed a bug in Django 3.1 that caused a crash when processing middlewares in an async context with a middleware that raises a ``MiddlewareNotUsed`` exception (:ticket:`32299`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 that caused the incorrect prefixing of ``STATIC_URL`` and ``MEDIA_URL`` settings, by the server-provided value of ``SCRIPT_NAME`` (or ``/`` if not set), when set to a URL specifying the protocol but without a top-level domain, e.g. ``http://myhost/`` (:ticket:`32304`). ========================== ``` ### 3.1.4 ``` ========================== *December 1, 2020* Django 3.1.4 fixes several bugs in 3.1.3. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed setting the ``Content-Length`` HTTP header in ``AsyncRequestFactory`` (:ticket:`32162`). * Fixed passing extra HTTP headers to ``AsyncRequestFactory`` request methods (:ticket:`32159`). * Fixed crash of key transforms for :class:`~django.db.models.JSONField` on PostgreSQL when using on a ``Subquery()`` annotation (:ticket:`32182`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 that caused a crash of auto-reloader for certain invocations of ``runserver`` on Windows with Python 3.7 and below (:ticket:`32202`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 that caused the incorrect grouping by a ``Q`` object annotation (:ticket:`32200`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 that caused suppressing connection errors when :class:`~django.db.models.JSONField` is used on SQLite (:ticket:`32224`). * Fixed a crash on SQLite, when ``QuerySet.values()/values_list()`` contained key transforms for :class:`~django.db.models.JSONField` returning non-string primitive values (:ticket:`32203`). ========================== ``` ### 3.1.3 ``` ========================== *November 2, 2020* Django 3.1.3 fixes several bugs in 3.1.2 and adds compatibility with Python 3.9. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1.2 that caused the incorrect height of the admin changelist search bar (:ticket:`32072`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1.2 that caused the incorrect width of the admin changelist search bar on a filtered page (:ticket:`32091`). * Fixed displaying Unicode characters in :class:`forms.JSONField <django.forms.JSONField>` and read-only :class:`models.JSONField <django.db.models.JSONField>` values in the admin (:ticket:`32080`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 that caused a crash of :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.ArrayAgg` and :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.StringAgg` with ``ordering`` on key transforms for :class:`~django.db.models.JSONField` (:ticket:`32096`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 that caused a crash of ``__in`` lookup when using key transforms for :class:`~django.db.models.JSONField` in the lookup value (:ticket:`32096`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 that caused a crash of :class:`~django.db.models.ExpressionWrapper` with key transforms for :class:`~django.db.models.JSONField` (:ticket:`32096`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 that caused a migrations crash on PostgreSQL when adding an :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.constraints.ExclusionConstraint` with key transforms for :class:`~django.db.models.JSONField` in ``expressions`` (:ticket:`32096`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 where :exc:`ProtectedError.protected_objects <django.db.models.ProtectedError>` and :exc:`RestrictedError.restricted_objects <django.db.models.RestrictedError>` attributes returned iterators instead of :py:class:`set` of objects (:ticket:`32107`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1.2 that caused incorrect form input layout on small screens in the admin change form view (:ticket:`32069`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 that invalidated pre-Django 3.1 password reset tokens (:ticket:`32130`). * Added support for ``asgiref`` 3.3 (:ticket:`32128`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 that caused incorrect textarea layout on medium-sized screens in the admin change form view with the sidebar open (:ticket:`32127`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0.7 that didn't use ``Subquery()`` aliases in the ``GROUP BY`` clause (:ticket:`32152`). ========================== ``` ### 3.1.2 ``` ========================== *October 1, 2020* Django 3.1.2 fixes several bugs in 3.1.1. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a bug in Django 3.1 where ``FileField`` instances with a callable storage were not correctly deconstructed (:ticket:`31941`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 where the :attr:`.QuerySet.ordered` attribute returned incorrectly ``True`` for ``GROUP BY`` queries (e.g. ``.annotate().values()``) on models with ``Meta.ordering``. A model's ``Meta.ordering`` doesn't affect such queries (:ticket:`31990`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 where a queryset would crash if it contained an aggregation and a ``Q`` object annotation (:ticket:`32007`). * Fixed a bug in Django 3.1 where a test database was not synced during creation when using the :setting:`MIGRATE <TEST_MIGRATE>` test database setting (:ticket:`32012`). * Fixed a ``django.contrib.admin.EmptyFieldListFilter`` crash when using on a ``GenericRelation`` (:ticket:`32038`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1.1 where the admin changelist filter sidebar would not scroll for a long list of available filters (:ticket:`31986`). ========================== ``` ### 3.1.1 ``` ========================== *September 1, 2020* Django 3.1.1 fixes two security issues and several bugs in 3.1. CVE-2020-24583: Incorrect permissions on intermediate-level directories on Python 3.7+ ====================================================================================== On Python 3.7+, :setting:`FILE_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS` mode was not applied to intermediate-level directories created in the process of uploading files and to intermediate-level collected static directories when using the :djadmin:`collectstatic` management command. You should review and manually fix permissions on existing intermediate-level directories. CVE-2020-24584: Permission escalation in intermediate-level directories of the file system cache on Python 3.7+ =============================================================================================================== On Python 3.7+, the intermediate-level directories of the file system cache had the system's standard umask rather than ``0o077`` (no group or others permissions). Bugfixes ======== * Fixed wrapping of translated action labels in the admin's navigation sidebar for East Asian languages (:ticket:`31853`). * Fixed wrapping of long model names in the admin's navigation sidebar (:ticket:`31854`). * Fixed encoding session data while upgrading multiple instances of the same project to Django 3.1 (:ticket:`31864`). * Adjusted admin's navigation sidebar template to reduce debug logging when rendering (:ticket:`31865`). * Fixed a data loss possibility in the :meth:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet.select_for_update()`. When using related fields pointing to a proxy model in the ``of`` argument, the corresponding model was not locked (:ticket:`31866`). * Fixed a data loss possibility, following a regression in Django 2.0, when copying model instances with a cached fields value (:ticket:`31863`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 that caused a crash when decoding an invalid session data (:ticket:`31895`). * Reverted a deprecation in Django 3.1 that caused a crash when passing deprecated keyword arguments to a queryset in ``TemplateView.get_context_data()`` (:ticket:`31877`). * Enforced thread sensitivity of the :class:`MiddlewareMixin.process_request() <django.utils.deprecation.MiddlewareMixin>` and ``process_response()`` hooks when in an async context (:ticket:`31905`). * Fixed ``__in`` lookup on key transforms for :class:`~django.db.models.JSONField` with MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, and SQLite (:ticket:`31936`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.1 that caused permission errors in ``CommonPasswordValidator`` and ```` generated by the :djadmin:`startproject` command, when user didn't have permissions to all intermediate directories in a Django installation path (:ticket:`31912`). * Fixed detecting an async ``get_response`` callable in various builtin middlewares (:ticket:`31928`). * Fixed a ``QuerySet.order_by()`` crash on PostgreSQL when ordering and grouping by :class:`~django.db.models.JSONField` with a custom :attr:`~django.db.models.JSONField.decoder` (:ticket:`31956`). As a consequence, fetching a ``JSONField`` with raw SQL now returns a string instead of pre-loaded data. You will need to explicitly call ``json.loads()`` in such cases. * Fixed a ``QuerySet.delete()`` crash on MySQL, following a performance regression in Django 3.1 on MariaDB 10.3.2+, when filtering against an aggregate function (:ticket:`31965`). * Fixed a ``django.contrib.admin.EmptyFieldListFilter`` crash when using on reverse relations (:ticket:`31952`). * Prevented content overflowing in the admin changelist view when the navigation sidebar is enabled (:ticket:`31901`). ======================== ``` ### 3.1 ``` ======================== *August 4, 2020* Welcome to Django 3.1! These release notes cover the :ref:`new features <whats-new-3.1>`, as well as some :ref:`backwards incompatible changes <backwards-incompatible-3.1>` you'll want to be aware of when upgrading from Django 3.0 or earlier. We've :ref:`dropped some features<removed-features-3.1>` that have reached the end of their deprecation cycle, and we've :ref:`begun the deprecation process for some features <deprecated-features-3.1>`. See the :doc:`/howto/upgrade-version` guide if you're updating an existing project. Python compatibility ==================== Django 3.1 supports Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 (as of 3.1.3). We **highly recommend** and only officially support the latest release of each series. .. _whats-new-3.1: What's new in Django 3.1 ======================== Asynchronous views and middleware support ----------------------------------------- Django now supports a fully asynchronous request path, including: * :ref:`Asynchronous views <async-views>` * :ref:`Asynchronous middleware <async-middleware>` * :ref:`Asynchronous tests and test client <async-tests>` To get started with async views, you need to declare a view using ``async def``:: async def my_view(request): await asyncio.sleep(0.5) return HttpResponse('Hello, async world!') All asynchronous features are supported whether you are running under WSGI or ASGI mode. However, there will be performance penalties using async code in WSGI mode. You can read more about the specifics in :doc:`/topics/async` documentation. You are free to mix async and sync views, middleware, and tests as much as you want. Django will ensure that you always end up with the right execution context. We expect most projects will keep the majority of their views synchronous, and only have a select few running in async mode - but it is entirely your choice. Django's ORM, cache layer, and other pieces of code that do long-running network calls do not yet support async access. We expect to add support for them in upcoming releases. Async views are ideal, however, if you are doing a lot of API or HTTP calls inside your view, you can now natively do all those HTTP calls in parallel to considerably speed up your view's execution. Asynchronous support should be entirely backwards-compatible and we have tried to ensure that it has no speed regressions for your existing, synchronous code. It should have no noticeable effect on any existing Django projects. JSONField for all supported database backends --------------------------------------------- Django now includes :class:`.models.JSONField` and :class:`forms.JSONField <django.forms.JSONField>` that can be used on all supported database backends. Both fields support the use of custom JSON encoders and decoders. The model field supports the introspection, :ref:`lookups, and transforms <querying-jsonfield>` that were previously PostgreSQL-only:: from django.db import models class ContactInfo(models.Model): data = models.JSONField() ContactInfo.objects.create(data={ 'name': 'John', 'cities': ['London', 'Cambridge'], 'pets': {'dogs': ['Rufus', 'Meg']}, }) ContactInfo.objects.filter( data__name='John', data__pets__has_key='dogs', data__cities__contains='London', ).delete() If your project uses ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField``, plus the related form field and transforms, you should adjust to use the new fields, and generate and apply a database migration. For now, the old fields and transforms are left as a reference to the new ones and are :ref:`deprecated as of this release <deprecated-jsonfield>`. .. _default-hashing-algorithm-usage: ``DEFAULT_HASHING_ALGORITHM`` settings -------------------------------------- The new ``DEFAULT_HASHING_ALGORITHM`` transitional setting allows specifying the default hashing algorithm to use for encoding cookies, password reset tokens in the admin site, user sessions, and signatures created by :class:`django.core.signing.Signer` and :meth:`django.core.signing.dumps`. Support for SHA-256 was added in Django 3.1. If you are upgrading multiple instances of the same project to Django 3.1, you should set ``DEFAULT_HASHING_ALGORITHM`` to ``'sha1'`` during the transition, in order to allow compatibility with the older versions of Django. Note that this requires Django 3.1.1+. Once the transition to 3.1 is complete you can stop overriding ``DEFAULT_HASHING_ALGORITHM``. This setting is deprecated as of this release, because support for tokens, cookies, sessions, and signatures that use SHA-1 algorithm will be removed in Django 4.0. Minor features -------------- :mod:`django.contrib.admin` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new ``django.contrib.admin.EmptyFieldListFilter`` for :attr:`.ModelAdmin.list_filter` allows filtering on empty values (empty strings and nulls) in the admin changelist view. * Filters in the right sidebar of the admin changelist view now contain a link to clear all filters. * The admin now has a sidebar on larger screens for easier navigation. It is enabled by default but can be disabled by using a custom ``AdminSite`` and setting :attr:`.AdminSite.enable_nav_sidebar` to ``False``. Rendering the sidebar requires access to the current request in order to set CSS and ARIA role affordances. This requires using ``'django.template.context_processors.request'`` in the ``'context_processors'`` option of :setting:`OPTIONS <TEMPLATES-OPTIONS>`. * Initially empty ``extra`` inlines can now be removed, in the same way as dynamically created ones. * ``XRegExp`` is upgraded from version 2.0.0 to 3.2.0. * jQuery is upgraded from version 3.4.1 to 3.5.1. * Select2 library is upgraded from version 4.0.7 to 4.0.13. :mod:`django.contrib.auth` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher is increased from 180,000 to 216,000. * The new :setting:`PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT` setting allows defining the number of seconds a password reset link is valid for. This is encouraged instead of the deprecated ``PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT_DAYS`` setting, which will be removed in Django 4.0. * The password reset mechanism now uses the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. Support for tokens that use the old hashing algorithm remains until Django 4.0. * :meth:`.AbstractBaseUser.get_session_auth_hash` now uses the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. Support for user sessions that use the old hashing algorithm remains until Django 4.0. :mod:`django.contrib.contenttypes` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :option:`remove_stale_contenttypes --include-stale-apps` option allows removing stale content types from previously installed apps that have been removed from :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS`. :mod:`django.contrib.gis` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :lookup:`relate` lookup is now supported on MariaDB. * Added the :attr:`.LinearRing.is_counterclockwise` property. * :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.AsGeoJSON` is now supported on Oracle. * Added the :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.AsWKB` and :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.AsWKT` functions. * Added support for PostGIS 3 and GDAL 3. :mod:`django.contrib.humanize` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :tfilter:`intword` template filter now supports negative integers. :mod:`django.contrib.postgres` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.indexes.BloomIndex` class allows creating ``bloom`` indexes in the database. The new :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.operations.BloomExtension` migration operation installs the ``bloom`` extension to add support for this index. * :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.get_FOO_display` now supports :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.ArrayField` and :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.RangeField`. * The new :lookup:`rangefield.lower_inc`, :lookup:`rangefield.lower_inf`, :lookup:`rangefield.upper_inc`, and :lookup:`rangefield.upper_inf` lookups allow querying :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.RangeField` by a bound type. * :lookup:`rangefield.contained_by` now supports :class:`~django.db.models.SmallAutoField`, :class:`~django.db.models.AutoField`, :class:`~django.db.models.BigAutoField`, :class:`~django.db.models.SmallIntegerField`, and :class:`~django.db.models.DecimalField`. * :class:`` now supports ``'websearch'`` search type on PostgreSQL 11+. * :class:`SearchQuery.value <>` now supports query expressions. * The new :class:`` class allows highlighting search results. * :lookup:`search` lookup now supports query expressions. * The new ``cover_density`` parameter of :class:`` allows ranking by cover density. * The new ``normalization`` parameter of :class:`` allows rank normalization. * The new :attr:`.ExclusionConstraint.deferrable` attribute allows creating deferrable exclusion constraints. :mod:`django.contrib.sessions` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The :setting:`SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE` setting now allows ``'None'`` (string) value to explicitly state that the cookie is sent with all same-site and cross-site requests. :mod:`django.contrib.staticfiles` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The :setting:`STATICFILES_DIRS` setting now supports :class:`pathlib.Path`. Cache ~~~~~ * The :func:`~django.views.decorators.cache.cache_control` decorator and :func:`~django.utils.cache.patch_cache_control` method now support multiple field names in the ``no-cache`` directive for the ``Cache-Control`` header, according to :rfc:`7234section-`. * :meth:`~django.core.caches.cache.delete` now returns ``True`` if the key was successfully deleted, ``False`` otherwise. CSRF ~~~~ * The :setting:`CSRF_COOKIE_SAMESITE` setting now allows ``'None'`` (string) value to explicitly state that the cookie is sent with all same-site and cross-site requests. Email ~~~~~ * The :setting:`EMAIL_FILE_PATH` setting, used by the :ref:`file email backend <topic-email-file-backend>`, now supports :class:`pathlib.Path`. Error Reporting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :class:`django.views.debug.SafeExceptionReporterFilter` now filters sensitive values from ``request.META`` in exception reports. * The new :attr:`.SafeExceptionReporterFilter.cleansed_substitute` and :attr:`.SafeExceptionReporterFilter.hidden_settings` attributes allow customization of sensitive settings and ``request.META`` filtering in exception reports. * The technical 404 debug view now respects :setting:`DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER_FILTER` when applying settings filtering. * The new :setting:`DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER` allows providing a :class:`django.views.debug.ExceptionReporter` subclass to customize exception report generation. See :ref:`custom-error-reports` for details. File Storage ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ```` method now supports :class:`pathlib.Path`. * :class:`~django.db.models.FileField` and :class:`~django.db.models.ImageField` now accept a callable for ``storage``. This allows you to modify the used storage at runtime, selecting different storages for different environments, for example. Forms ~~~~~ * :class:`~django.forms.ModelChoiceIterator`, used by :class:`~django.forms.ModelChoiceField` and :class:`~django.forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField`, now uses :class:`~django.forms.ModelChoiceIteratorValue` that can be used by widgets to access model instances. See :ref:`iterating-relationship-choices` for details. * :class:`django.forms.DateTimeField` now accepts dates in a subset of ISO 8601 datetime formats, including optional timezone, e.g. ``2019-10-10T06:47``, ``2019-10-10T06:47:23+04:00``, or ``2019-10-10T06:47:23Z``. The timezone will always be retained if provided, with timezone-aware datetimes being returned even when :setting:`USE_TZ` is ``False``. Additionally, ``DateTimeField`` now uses ``DATE_INPUT_FORMATS`` in addition to ``DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS`` when converting a field input to a ``datetime`` value. * :attr:`.MultiWidget.widgets` now accepts a dictionary which allows customizing subwidget ``name`` attributes. * The new :attr:`.BoundField.widget_type` property can be used to dynamically adjust form rendering based upon the widget type. Internationalization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The :setting:`LANGUAGE_COOKIE_SAMESITE` setting now allows ``'None'`` (string) value to explicitly state that the cookie is sent with all same-site and cross-site requests. * Added support and translations for the Algerian Arabic, Igbo, Kyrgyz, Tajik, and Turkmen languages. Management Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :option:`check --database` option allows specifying database aliases for running the ``database`` system checks. Previously these checks were enabled for all configured :setting:`DATABASES` by passing the ``database`` tag to the command. * The new :option:`migrate --check` option makes the command exit with a non-zero status when unapplied migrations are detected. * The new ``returncode`` argument for :attr:`` allows customizing the exit status for management commands. * The new :option:`dbshell -- ARGUMENTS <dbshell -->` option allows passing extra arguments to the command-line client for the database. * The :djadmin:`flush` and :djadmin:`sqlflush` commands now include SQL to reset sequences on SQLite. Models ~~~~~~ * The new :class:`~django.db.models.functions.ExtractIsoWeekDay` function extracts ISO-8601 week days from :class:`~django.db.models.DateField` and :class:`~django.db.models.DateTimeField`, and the new :lookup:`iso_week_day` lookup allows querying by an ISO-8601 day of week. * :meth:`.QuerySet.explain` now supports: * ``TREE`` format on MySQL 8.0.16+, * ``analyze`` option on MySQL 8.0.18+ and MariaDB. * Added :class:`~django.db.models.PositiveBigIntegerField` which acts much like a :class:`~django.db.models.PositiveIntegerField` except that it only allows values under a certain (database-dependent) limit. Values from ``0`` to ``9223372036854775807`` are safe in all databases supported by Django. * The new :class:`~django.db.models.RESTRICT` option for :attr:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey.on_delete` argument of ``ForeignKey`` and ``OneToOneField`` emulates the behavior of the SQL constraint ``ON DELETE RESTRICT``. * :attr:`.CheckConstraint.check` now supports boolean expressions. * The :meth:`.RelatedManager.add`, :meth:`~.RelatedManager.create`, and :meth:`~.RelatedManager.set` methods now accept callables as values in the ``through_defaults`` argument. * The new ``is_dst`` parameter of the :meth:`.QuerySet.datetimes` determines the treatment of nonexistent and ambiguous datetimes. * The new :class:`~django.db.models.F` expression ``bitxor()`` method allows :ref:`bitwise XOR operation <using-f-expressions-in-filters>`. * :meth:`.QuerySet.bulk_create` now sets the primary key on objects when using MariaDB 10.5+. * The ``DatabaseOperations.sql_flush()`` method now generates more efficient SQL on MySQL by using ``DELETE`` instead of ``TRUNCATE`` statements for tables which don't require resetting sequences. * SQLite functions are now marked as :py:meth:`deterministic <sqlite3.Connection.create_function>` on Python 3.8+. This allows using them in check constraints and partial indexes. * The new :attr:`.UniqueConstraint.deferrable` attribute allows creating deferrable unique constraints. Pagination ~~~~~~~~~~ * :class:`~django.core.paginator.Paginator` can now be iterated over to yield its pages. Requests and Responses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * If :setting:`ALLOWED_HOSTS` is empty and ``DEBUG=True``, subdomains of localhost are now allowed in the ``Host`` header, e.g. ``static.localhost``. * :meth:`.HttpResponse.set_cookie` and :meth:`.HttpResponse.set_signed_cookie` now allow using ``samesite='None'`` (string) to explicitly state that the cookie is sent with all same-site and cross-site requests. * The new :meth:`.HttpRequest.accepts` method returns whether the request accepts the given MIME type according to the ``Accept`` HTTP header. .. _whats-new-security-3.1: Security ~~~~~~~~ * The :setting:`SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY` setting now defaults to ``'same-origin'``. With this configured, :class:`` sets the :ref:`referrer-policy` header to ``same-origin`` on all responses that do not already have it. This prevents the ``Referer`` header being sent to other origins. If you need the previous behavior, explicitly set :setting:`SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY` to ``None``. * The default algorithm of :class:`django.core.signing.Signer`, :meth:`django.core.signing.loads`, and :meth:`django.core.signing.dumps` is changed to the SHA-256. Support for signatures made with the old SHA-1 algorithm remains until Django 4.0. Also, the new ``algorithm`` parameter of the :class:`~django.core.signing.Signer` allows customizing the hashing algorithm. Templates ~~~~~~~~~ * The renamed :ttag:`translate` and :ttag:`blocktranslate` template tags are introduced for internationalization in template code. The older :ttag:`trans` and :ttag:`blocktrans` template tags aliases continue to work, and will be retained for the foreseeable future. * The :ttag:`include` template tag now accepts iterables of template names. Tests ~~~~~ * :class:`~django.test.SimpleTestCase` now implements the ``debug()`` method to allow running a test without collecting the result and catching exceptions. This can be used to support running tests under a debugger. * The new :setting:`MIGRATE <TEST_MIGRATE>` test database setting allows disabling of migrations during a test database creation. * Django test runner now supports a :option:`test --buffer` option to discard output for passing tests. * :class:`~django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner` now skips running the system checks on databases not :ref:`referenced by tests<testing-multi-db>`. * :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase` teardown is now faster on MySQL due to :djadmin:`flush` command improvements. As a side effect the latter doesn't automatically reset sequences on teardown anymore. Enable :attr:`.TransactionTestCase.reset_sequences` if your tests require this feature. URLs ~~~~ * :ref:`Path converters <registering-custom-path-converters>` can now raise ``ValueError`` in ``to_url()`` to indicate no match when reversing URLs. Utilities ~~~~~~~~~ * :func:`~django.utils.encoding.filepath_to_uri` now supports :class:`pathlib.Path`. * :func:`~django.utils.dateparse.parse_duration` now supports comma separators for decimal fractions in the ISO 8601 format. * :func:`~django.utils.dateparse.parse_datetime`, :func:`~django.utils.dateparse.parse_duration`, and :func:`~django.utils.dateparse.parse_time` now support comma separators for milliseconds. Miscellaneous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The SQLite backend now supports :class:`pathlib.Path` for the ``NAME`` setting. * The ```` generated by the :djadmin:`startproject` command now uses :class:`pathlib.Path` instead of :mod:`os.path` for building filesystem paths. * The :setting:`TIME_ZONE <DATABASE-TIME_ZONE>` setting is now allowed on databases that support time zones. .. _backwards-incompatible-3.1: Backwards incompatible changes in 3.1 ===================================== Database backend API -------------------- This section describes changes that may be needed in third-party database backends. * ``DatabaseOperations.fetch_returned_insert_columns()`` now requires an additional ``returning_params`` argument. * ``connection.timezone`` property is now ``'UTC'`` by default, or the :setting:`TIME_ZONE <DATABASE-TIME_ZONE>` when :setting:`USE_TZ` is ``True`` on databases that support time zones. Previously, it was ``None`` on databases that support time zones. * ``connection._nodb_connection`` property is changed to the ``connection._nodb_cursor()`` method and now returns a context manager that yields a cursor and automatically closes the cursor and connection upon exiting the ``with`` statement. * ``DatabaseClient.runshell()`` now requires an additional ``parameters`` argument as a list of extra arguments to pass on to the command-line client. * The ``sequences`` positional argument of ``DatabaseOperations.sql_flush()`` is replaced by the boolean keyword-only argument ``reset_sequences``. If ``True``, the sequences of the truncated tables will be reset. * The ``allow_cascade`` argument of ``DatabaseOperations.sql_flush()`` is now a keyword-only argument. * The ``using`` positional argument of ``DatabaseOperations.execute_sql_flush()`` is removed. The method now uses the database of the called instance. * Third-party database backends must implement support for ``JSONField`` or set ``DatabaseFeatures.supports_json_field`` to ``False``. If storing primitives is not supported, set ``DatabaseFeatures.supports_primitives_in_json_field`` to ``False``. If there is a true datatype for JSON, set ``DatabaseFeatures.has_native_json_field`` to ``True``. If :lookup:`jsonfield.contains` and :lookup:`jsonfield.contained_by` are not supported, set ``DatabaseFeatures.supports_json_field_contains`` to ``False``. * Third party database backends must implement introspection for ``JSONField`` or set ``can_introspect_json_field`` to ``False``. Dropped support for MariaDB 10.1 -------------------------------- Upstream support for MariaDB 10.1 ends in October 2020. Django 3.1 supports MariaDB 10.2 and higher. ``contrib.admin`` browser support --------------------------------- The admin no longer supports the legacy Internet Explorer browser. See :ref:`the admin FAQ <admin-browser-support>` for details on supported browsers. :attr:`AbstractUser.first_name <django.contrib.auth.models.User.first_name>` ``max_length`` increased to 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A migration for :attr:`django.contrib.auth.models.User.first_name` is included. If you have a custom user model inheriting from ``AbstractUser``, you'll need to generate and apply a database migration for your user model. If you want to preserve the 30 character limit for first names, use a custom form:: from django import forms from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserChangeForm class MyUserChangeForm(UserChangeForm): first_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30, required=False) If you wish to keep this restriction in the admin when editing users, set ``UserAdmin.form`` to use this form:: from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin from django.contrib.auth.models import User class MyUserAdmin(UserAdmin): form = MyUserChangeForm, MyUserAdmin) Miscellaneous ------------- * The cache keys used by :ttag:`cache` and generated by :func:`~django.core.cache.utils.make_template_fragment_key` are different from the keys generated by older versions of Django. After upgrading to Django 3.1, the first request to any previously cached template fragment will be a cache miss. * The logic behind the decision to return a redirection fallback or a 204 HTTP response from the :func:`~django.views.i18n.set_language` view is now based on the ``Accept`` HTTP header instead of the ``X-Requested-With`` HTTP header presence. * The compatibility imports of ``django.core.exceptions.EmptyResultSet`` in ``django.db.models.query``, ``django.db.models.sql``, and ``django.db.models.sql.datastructures`` are removed. * The compatibility import of ``django.core.exceptions.FieldDoesNotExist`` in ``django.db.models.fields`` is removed. * The compatibility imports of ``django.forms.utils.pretty_name()`` and ``django.forms.boundfield.BoundField`` in ``django.forms.forms`` are removed. * The compatibility imports of ``Context``, ``ContextPopException``, and ``RequestContext`` in ``django.template.base`` are removed. * The compatibility import of ``django.contrib.admin.helpers.ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME`` in ``django.contrib.admin`` is removed. * The :setting:`STATIC_URL` and :setting:`MEDIA_URL` settings set to relative paths are now prefixed by the server-provided value of ``SCRIPT_NAME`` (or ``/`` if not set). This change should not affect settings set to valid URLs or absolute paths. * :class:`~django.middleware.http.ConditionalGetMiddleware` no longer adds the ``ETag`` header to responses with an empty :attr:`~django.http.HttpResponse.content`. * ``django.utils.decorators.classproperty()`` decorator is made public and moved to :class:`django.utils.functional.classproperty()`. * :tfilter:`floatformat` template filter now outputs (positive) ``0`` for negative numbers which round to zero. * :attr:`Meta.ordering <django.db.models.Options.ordering>` and :attr:`Meta.unique_together <django.db.models.Options.unique_together>` options on models in ``django.contrib`` modules that were formerly tuples are now lists. * The admin calendar widget now handles two-digit years according to the Open Group Specification, i.e. values between 69 and 99 are mapped to the previous century, and values between 0 and 68 are mapped to the current century. * Date-only formats are removed from the default list for :setting:`DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS`. * The :class:`~django.forms.FileInput` widget no longer renders with the ``required`` HTML attribute when initial data exists. * The undocumented ``django.views.debug.ExceptionReporterFilter`` class is removed. As per the :ref:`custom-error-reports` documentation, classes to be used with :setting:`DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER_FILTER` need to inherit from :class:`django.views.debug.SafeExceptionReporterFilter`. * The cache timeout set by :func:`~django.views.decorators.cache.cache_page` decorator now takes precedence over the ``max-age`` directive from the ``Cache-Control`` header. * Providing a non-local remote field in the :attr:`.ForeignKey.to_field` argument now raises :class:`~django.core.exceptions.FieldError`. * :setting:`SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY` now defaults to ``'same-origin'``. See the *What's New* :ref:`Security section <whats-new-security-3.1>` above for more details. * :djadmin:`check` management command now runs the ``database`` system checks only for database aliases specified using :option:`check --database` option. * :djadmin:`migrate` management command now runs the ``database`` system checks only for a database to migrate. * The admin CSS classes ``row1`` and ``row2`` are removed in favor of ``:nth-child(odd)`` and ``:nth-child(even)`` pseudo-classes. * The :func:`~django.contrib.auth.hashers.make_password` function now requires its argument to be a string or bytes. Other types should be explicitly cast to one of these. * The undocumented ``version`` parameter to the :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.AsKML` function is removed. * :ref:`JSON and YAML serializers <serialization-formats>`, used by :djadmin:`dumpdata`, now dump all data with Unicode by default. If you need the previous behavior, pass ``ensure_ascii=True`` to JSON serializer, or ``allow_unicode=False`` to YAML serializer. * The auto-reloader no longer monitors changes in built-in Django translation files. * The minimum supported version of ``mysqlclient`` is increased from 1.3.13 to 1.4.0. * The undocumented ``django.contrib.postgres.forms.InvalidJSONInput`` and ``django.contrib.postgres.forms.JSONString`` are moved to ``django.forms.fields``. * The undocumented ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.JsonAdapter`` class is removed. * The :ttag:`{% localize off %} <localize>` tag and :tfilter:`unlocalize` filter no longer respect :setting:`DECIMAL_SEPARATOR` setting. * The minimum supported version of ``asgiref`` is increased from 3.2 to 3.2.10. * The :doc:`Media </topics/forms/media>` class now renders ``<script>`` tags without the ``type`` attribute to follow `WHATWG recommendations <>`_. * :class:`~django.forms.ModelChoiceIterator`, used by :class:`~django.forms.ModelChoiceField` and :class:`~django.forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField`, now yields 2-tuple choices containing :class:`~django.forms.ModelChoiceIteratorValue` instances as the first ``value`` element in each choice. In most cases this proxies transparently, but if you need the ``field`` value itself, use the :attr:`.ModelChoiceIteratorValue.value` attribute instead. .. _deprecated-features-3.1: Features deprecated in 3.1 ========================== .. _deprecated-jsonfield: PostgreSQL ``JSONField`` ------------------------ ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField`` and ``django.contrib.postgres.forms.JSONField`` are deprecated in favor of :class:`.models.JSONField` and :class:`forms.JSONField <django.forms.JSONField>`. The undocumented ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.KeyTransform`` and ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.KeyTextTransform`` are also deprecated in favor of the transforms in ``django.db.models.fields.json``. The new ``JSONField``\s, ``KeyTransform``, and ``KeyTextTransform`` can be used on all supported database backends. Miscellaneous ------------- * ``PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT_DAYS`` setting is deprecated in favor of :setting:`PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT`. * The undocumented usage of the :lookup:`isnull` lookup with non-boolean values as the right-hand side is deprecated, use ``True`` or ``False`` instead. * The barely documented ``django.db.models.query_utils.InvalidQuery`` exception class is deprecated in favor of :class:`~django.core.exceptions.FieldDoesNotExist` and :class:`~django.core.exceptions.FieldError`. * The ```` entry point is deprecated in favor of ``django-admin``. * The ``HttpRequest.is_ajax()`` method is deprecated as it relied on a jQuery-specific way of signifying AJAX calls, while current usage tends to use the JavaScript `Fetch API <>`_. Depending on your use case, you can either write your own AJAX detection method, or use the new :meth:`.HttpRequest.accepts` method if your code depends on the client ``Accept`` HTTP header. If you are writing your own AJAX detection method, ``request.is_ajax()`` can be reproduced exactly as ``request.headers.get('x-requested-with') == 'XMLHttpRequest'``. * Passing ``None`` as the first argument to ``django.utils.deprecation.MiddlewareMixin.__init__()`` is deprecated. * The encoding format of cookies values used by :class:`` is different from the format generated by older versions of Django. Support for the old format remains until Django 4.0. * The encoding format of sessions is different from the format generated by older versions of Django. Support for the old format remains until Django 4.0. * The purely documentational ``providing_args`` argument for :class:`~django.dispatch.Signal` is deprecated. If you rely on this argument as documentation, you can move the text to a code comment or docstring. * Calling ``django.utils.crypto.get_random_string()`` without a ``length`` argument is deprecated. * The ``list`` message for :class:`~django.forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField` is deprecated in favor of ``invalid_list``. * Passing raw column aliases to :meth:`.QuerySet.order_by` is deprecated. The same result can be achieved by passing aliases in a :class:`~django.db.models.expressions.RawSQL` instead beforehand. * The ``NullBooleanField`` model field is deprecated in favor of ``BooleanField(null=True)``. * ``django.conf.urls.url()`` alias of :func:`django.urls.re_path` is deprecated. * The ``{% ifequal %}`` and ``{% ifnotequal %}`` template tags are deprecated in favor of :ttag:`{% if %}<if>`. ``{% if %}`` covers all use cases, but if you need to continue using these tags, they can be extracted from Django to a module and included as a built-in tag in the :class:`'builtins' <django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates>` option in :setting:`OPTIONS <TEMPLATES-OPTIONS>`. * ``DEFAULT_HASHING_ALGORITHM`` transitional setting is deprecated. .. _removed-features-3.1: Features removed in 3.1 ======================= These features have reached the end of their deprecation cycle and are removed in Django 3.1. See :ref:`deprecated-features-2.2` for details on these changes, including how to remove usage of these features. * ``django.utils.timezone.FixedOffset`` is removed. * ``django.core.paginator.QuerySetPaginator`` is removed. * A model's ``Meta.ordering`` doesn't affect ``GROUP BY`` queries. * ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.FloatRangeField`` and ``django.contrib.postgres.forms.FloatRangeField`` are removed. * The ``FILE_CHARSET`` setting is removed. * ```` is removed. * The ``RemoteUserBackend.configure_user()`` method requires ``request`` as the first positional argument. * Support for ``SimpleTestCase.allow_database_queries`` and ``TransactionTestCase.multi_db`` is removed. =========================== ``` ### 3.0.13 ``` =========================== *February 19, 2021* Django 3.0.13 fixes a security issue in 3.0.12. CVE-2021-23336: Web cache poisoning via ``django.utils.http.limited_parse_qsl()`` ================================================================================= Django contains a copy of :func:`urllib.parse.parse_qsl` which was added to backport some security fixes. A further security fix has been issued recently such that ``parse_qsl()`` no longer allows using ``;`` as a query parameter separator by default. Django now includes this fix. See :bpo:`42967` for further details. =========================== ``` ### 3.0.12 ``` =========================== *February 1, 2021* Django 3.0.12 fixes a security issue with severity "low" in 3.0.11. CVE-2021-3281: Potential directory-traversal via ``archive.extract()`` ====================================================================== The ``django.utils.archive.extract()`` function, used by :option:`startapp --template` and :option:`startproject --template`, allowed directory-traversal via an archive with absolute paths or relative paths with dot segments. =========================== ``` ### 3.0.11 ``` =========================== *November 2, 2020* Django 3.0.11 fixes a regression in 3.0.7 and adds compatibility with Python 3.9. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0.7 that didn't use ``Subquery()`` aliases in the ``GROUP BY`` clause (:ticket:`32152`). =========================== ``` ### 3.0.10 ``` =========================== *September 1, 2020* Django 3.0.10 fixes two security issues and two data loss bugs in 3.0.9. CVE-2020-24583: Incorrect permissions on intermediate-level directories on Python 3.7+ ====================================================================================== On Python 3.7+, :setting:`FILE_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS` mode was not applied to intermediate-level directories created in the process of uploading files and to intermediate-level collected static directories when using the :djadmin:`collectstatic` management command. You should review and manually fix permissions on existing intermediate-level directories. CVE-2020-24584: Permission escalation in intermediate-level directories of the file system cache on Python 3.7+ =============================================================================================================== On Python 3.7+, the intermediate-level directories of the file system cache had the system's standard umask rather than ``0o077`` (no group or others permissions). Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a data loss possibility in the :meth:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet.select_for_update()`. When using related fields pointing to a proxy model in the ``of`` argument, the corresponding model was not locked (:ticket:`31866`). * Fixed a data loss possibility, following a regression in Django 2.0, when copying model instances with a cached fields value (:ticket:`31863`). ========================== ``` ### 3.0.9 ``` ========================== *August 3, 2020* Django 3.0.9 fixes several bugs in 3.0.8. Bugfixes ======== * Allowed setting the ``SameSite`` cookie flag in :meth:`.HttpResponse.delete_cookie` (:ticket:`31790`). * Fixed crash when sending emails to addresses with display names longer than 75 chars on Python 3.6.11+, 3.7.8+, and 3.8.4+ (:ticket:`31784`). ========================== ``` ### 3.0.8 ``` ========================== *July 1, 2020* Django 3.0.8 fixes several bugs in 3.0.7. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed messages of ``InvalidCacheKey`` exceptions and ``CacheKeyWarning`` warnings raised by cache key validation (:ticket:`31654`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0.7 that caused a queryset crash when grouping by a many-to-one relationship (:ticket:`31660`). * Reallowed, following a regression in Django 3.0, non-expressions having a ``filterable`` attribute to be used as the right-hand side in queryset filters (:ticket:`31664`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0.2 that caused a migration crash on PostgreSQL when adding a foreign key to a model with a namespaced ``db_table`` (:ticket:`31735`). * Added compatibility for ``cx_Oracle`` 8 (:ticket:`31751`). ========================== ``` ### 3.0.7 ``` ========================== *June 3, 2020* Django 3.0.7 fixes two security issues and several bugs in 3.0.6. CVE-2020-13254: Potential data leakage via malformed memcached keys =================================================================== In cases where a memcached backend does not perform key validation, passing malformed cache keys could result in a key collision, and potential data leakage. In order to avoid this vulnerability, key validation is added to the memcached cache backends. CVE-2020-13596: Possible XSS via admin ``ForeignKeyRawIdWidget`` ================================================================ Query parameters for the admin ``ForeignKeyRawIdWidget`` were not properly URL encoded, posing an XSS attack vector. ``ForeignKeyRawIdWidget`` now ensures query parameters are correctly URL encoded. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 by restoring the ability to use field lookups in ``Meta.ordering`` (:ticket:`31538`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 where ``QuerySet.values()`` and ``values_list()`` crashed if a queryset contained an aggregation and a subquery annotation (:ticket:`31566`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 where aggregates used wrong annotations when a queryset has multiple subqueries annotations (:ticket:`31568`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 where ``QuerySet.values()`` and ``values_list()`` crashed if a queryset contained an aggregation and an ``Exists()`` annotation on Oracle (:ticket:`31584`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 where all resolved ``Subquery()`` expressions were considered equal (:ticket:`31607`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0.5 that affected translation loading for apps providing translations for territorial language variants as well as a generic language, where the project has different plural equations for the language (:ticket:`31570`). * Tracking a jQuery security release, upgraded the version of jQuery used by the admin from 3.4.1 to 3.5.1. ========================== ``` ### 3.0.6 ``` ========================== *May 4, 2020* Django 3.0.6 fixes a bug in 3.0.5. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that caused a crash when filtering a ``Subquery()`` annotation of a queryset containing a single related field against a ``SimpleLazyObject`` (:ticket:`31420`). ========================== ``` ### 3.0.5 ``` ========================== *April 1, 2020* Django 3.0.5 fixes several bugs in 3.0.4. Bugfixes ======== * Added the ability to handle ``.po`` files containing different plural equations for the same language (:ticket:`30439`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 where ``QuerySet.values()`` and ``values_list()`` crashed if a queryset contained an aggregation and ``Subquery()`` annotation that collides with a field name (:ticket:`31377`). ========================== ``` ### 3.0.4 ``` ========================== *March 4, 2020* Django 3.0.4 fixes a security issue and several bugs in 3.0.3. CVE-2020-9402: Potential SQL injection via ``tolerance`` parameter in GIS functions and aggregates on Oracle ============================================================================================================ GIS functions and aggregates on Oracle were subject to SQL injection, using a suitably crafted ``tolerance``. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a data loss possibility when using caching from async code (:ticket:`31253`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that caused a file response using a temporary file to be closed incorrectly (:ticket:`31240`). * Fixed a data loss possibility in the :meth:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet.select_for_update`. When using related fields or parent link fields with :ref:`multi-table-inheritance` in the ``of`` argument, the corresponding models were not locked (:ticket:`31246`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that caused misplacing parameters in logged SQL queries on Oracle (:ticket:`31271`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0.3 that caused misplacing parameters of SQL queries when subtracting ``DateField`` or ``DateTimeField`` expressions on MySQL (:ticket:`31312`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that didn't include subqueries spanning multivalued relations in the ``GROUP BY`` clause (:ticket:`31150`). ========================== ``` ### 3.0.3 ``` ========================== *February 3, 2020* Django 3.0.3 fixes a security issue and several bugs in 3.0.2. CVE-2020-7471: Potential SQL injection via ``StringAgg(delimiter)`` =================================================================== :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.StringAgg` aggregation function was subject to SQL injection, using a suitably crafted ``delimiter``. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that caused a crash when subtracting ``DateField``, ``DateTimeField``, or ``TimeField`` from a ``Subquery()`` annotation (:ticket:`31133`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 where ``QuerySet.values()`` and ``values_list()`` crashed if a queryset contained an aggregation and ``Exists()`` annotation (:ticket:`31136`). * Relaxed the system check added in Django 3.0 to reallow use of a sublanguage in the :setting:`LANGUAGE_CODE` setting, when a base language is available in Django but the sublanguage is not (:ticket:`31141`). * Added support for using enumeration types ``TextChoices``, ``IntegerChoices``, and ``Choices`` in templates (:ticket:`31154`). * Fixed a system check to ensure the ``max_length`` attribute fits the longest choice, when a named group contains only non-string values (:ticket:`31155`). * Fixed a regression in Django 2.2 that caused a crash of :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.ArrayAgg` and :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.StringAgg` with ``filter`` argument when used in a ``Subquery`` (:ticket:`31097`). * Fixed a regression in Django 2.2.7 that caused :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.get_FOO_display` to work incorrectly when overriding inherited choices (:ticket:`31124`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.prefetch_related()`` for ``GenericForeignKey`` with a custom ``ContentType`` foreign key (:ticket:`31190`). ========================== ``` ### 3.0.2 ``` ========================== *January 2, 2020* Django 3.0.2 fixes several bugs in 3.0.1. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that didn't include columns referenced by a ``Subquery()`` in the ``GROUP BY`` clause (:ticket:`31094`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 where ``QuerySet.exists()`` crashed if a queryset contained an aggregation over a ``Subquery()`` (:ticket:`31109`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that caused a migration crash on PostgreSQL 10+ when adding a foreign key and changing data in the same migration (:ticket:`31106`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 where loading fixtures crashed for models defining a :attr:`~django.db.models.Field.default` for the primary key (:ticket:`31071`). ========================== ``` ### 3.0.1 ``` ========================== *December 18, 2019* Django 3.0.1 fixes a security issue and several bugs in 3.0. CVE-2019-19844: Potential account hijack via password reset form ================================================================ By submitting a suitably crafted email address making use of Unicode characters, that compared equal to an existing user email when lower-cased for comparison, an attacker could be sent a password reset token for the matched account. In order to avoid this vulnerability, password reset requests now compare the submitted email using the stricter, recommended algorithm for case-insensitive comparison of two identifiers from `Unicode Technical Report 36, section 2.11.2(B)(2)`__. Upon a match, the email containing the reset token will be sent to the email address on record rather than the submitted address. .. __: Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a r
pyup-bot commented 3 years ago

Closing this in favor of #124