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API key banner doesn't disappear #87

Open ryanlikesally opened 2 weeks ago

ryanlikesally commented 2 weeks ago

Upon installing the tampermonkey script, I make the API key with the correct name and link to github but when I copy the API key from it and enter it into the red banner on the homepage, the banner doesn't disappear. I have all functionality, everything on the profile and beatmaps page as well as leaderboard but it doesn't display the combo, score and accuracy counter below my top 100 plays. It also only shows the number for my first play but everything after is unnumbered. This was the main functionality I installed it for so is there any way I could get it to work?

Eithan-FP commented 2 weeks ago

open the settings (the ribbon, top right of the page). click the show api button and paste it in there. i dont know why it broke. but it did lol, itl probably be fixed soon

ryanlikesally commented 2 weeks ago

Unfortunately that didn't work for me

efpschool commented 2 weeks ago

did ypu make sure to save?

ryanlikesally commented 2 weeks ago

So the banner disappears, there's no red banner at the top anymore but I still don't have the information on my profile like I want. The number of what play it is in my top 100 only shows for the first one and the combo and stuff doesn't show for any still