limkokhole / pinterest-downloader

Download all images/videos from Pinterest user/board/section.
MIT License
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Would it be possible to support incremental downloading based on time? #1

Closed lyubomyr-shaydariv closed 4 years ago

lyubomyr-shaydariv commented 4 years ago


First of all many thanks for an easy to use, lightweight and quick tool. I would like to use it for incremental archiving my pinboards and what I'm interested in is time range to fetch the pins within so that I could use a daily cron job.

As far as I understood how it works, the tool does not seem to use the annoying official API or Selenium-driven workarounds, and it uses undocumented BoardsResource and other undocumented stuff. I also came across an interesting question at StackOverflow that digs into some of the parameters. My point of interest is the _ parameter that is unfortunately not described in detail in the answers (what is its purpose anyway?). As far as I tried to change it, it does not seem to affect what's being fetched from pinboards (I tested a small pinboard however): int(time.time()*1000) (that's actually the current timestamp) and 0 (the Unix epoch start, Jan 1, 1970) do not seem to differ. I'm confused about that. Also I didn't find any timestamps in the result payload.

My question/request is: do these undocumented endpoints provide any time data so that could implement a date range filter? Thanks.

limkokhole commented 4 years ago

No, _ is just current timestamp to simulate web browser requests payload, nothing to do with date range.

lyubomyr-shaydariv commented 4 years ago

@limkokhole thank you for the reply. Just a quick question then: is there any other way to filter by date range?

limkokhole commented 4 years ago

I'm not Pinterest long time user, is it possible filter by date in web browser or app?

I'm afraid that's not possible. You may try play with 'sort': 'alphabetical / default / ...etc', 'page_size', or any never publish keyword in requests options with some luck.

lyubomyr-shaydariv commented 4 years ago

@limkokhole ok, I've got it. Thanks for your time!