limnh / journey

Notes and learnings along the way of becoming an engineer
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2019-03-06 #15

Closed limnh closed 5 years ago

limnh commented 5 years ago


  1. how does CircleCI handle remote execution?

  2. can CircleCI provision a node, retrieve SSH keys from said node, and utilize them to spin up packer?

  3. taking some time to read the Isolation project RFC WIP.


  1. going heads down at ~10:15a after talking to barry about yesterday's progress. suggested looking into remote execution/SSH via Circle

    • Make sure to find relevant SSH documentation for the provisioned node not the Circle environment
  2. currently unsure, got some feedback from nathan and alvin about it:

    nathan: you'd want to get that from an env var that is manually set with the private key, or create a new one in the workflow and use it for the packet node in the tf code and persist the private key to the workspace. alvin: you'll need to have it set to a static path that your TF code looks at

    • got some insight into some existing code that may help from blalor here. thinking that I will dissect this block of code to ensure I know what it means.

resource "local_file" "ssh_config" { filename = "${path.module}/work/ssh-config" Generates a local file with the given content. content = <<__eof , Content comes before the end of the file? Host default HostName ${module.elb.endpoint} Provides an Elastic Load Balancer resource, also known as a "Classic Load Balancer" after the release of Application/Network Load Balancers. User ${var.ssh_user} variable set for ssh_user Port 22 The port to connect to. Defaults to 22 when using type ssh. UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null The UserKnownHostsFile parameter specifies the database file to use for storing the user host keys (default is ~/.ssh/known_hosts). The /dev/null file is a special system device file that discards anything and everything written to it, and when used as the input file, returns End Of File immediately. StrictHostKeyChecking no If this flag is set to no, ssh will automatically add new host key to the user known hosts files. PasswordAuthentication no no need to verify password IdentityFile ${module.common.ssh_priv_key_file} module (A module is a container for multiple resources that are used together.) that manages multiple SSH private keys IdentitiesOnly yes Specifies that ssh(1) should only use the authentication identity files configured in the ssh_config files, even if ssh-agent(1) offers more identities LogLevel FATAL The FATAL level designates very severe error events that will lead the application to abort. __eof }

alvin was kind enough to pair with me, and we found the terraform docs for packet_project_ssh_key. from there, we were able to adapt the example to run when alvin ran through the steps one-by-one. we removed a lot of the code that we took from here because it's more robust that we needed. we walked through the ssh key creation process, and some helpful tips on maneuvering circleci.

alvin's contributions can be found on this branch

since you can't pass in any information into circle, got the recommendation to use the following for the ssh key work ssh keygen -t rsa -f file/path/ -N ””