limnh / journey

Notes and learnings along the way of becoming an engineer
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2019-03-28 #23

Open limnh opened 5 years ago

limnh commented 5 years ago


  1. packer build was spinning on waiting on SSH to become available before timing out. didn't really have great insight into why it was failing.


  1. spoke with megan, and she gave me the tools to check VNC and see where the error actually was. turns out that the build is working as intended but needs longer to connect, so I lengthened the ssh_wait_timeout time from 30m to 2h. building now, will hopefully be successful.
    • spent a good portion of time setting up VNC with megan, attempting to debug the packer builds. attempt with 2h timeout max still timed out, so it's been extended to 24h.
      • VNC is awesome. may buy a subscription to Jolly