limoka / DSP-Mods

An example how to add a custom model with your mesh and animations
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[BUG] - BlueprintTweaks and BuildToolOpt option incompatibility #98

Open VerteDragonne opened 5 months ago

VerteDragonne commented 5 months ago

When using BlueprintTweaks 1.6.3 and Starfi5h's BuildToolOpt 1.0.2, with UIBlueprintOpt enabled, the following error is consistently reported as soon as you select any blueprint. (That is, opening the blueprint selections, and single left clicking any non-folder blueprint. Pasting is not required, only viewing.)

I presume this is a low priority bug. However, this did not occur with BlueprintTweaks 1.6.2, and the previously stated mods and options. Thus, i thought it useful to be made aware of. Simply disabling the noted option fixes the issue, and thus is not a major issue. For reference, I have BepInEx 5.4.22.

[Error : Unity Log] System.MissingMethodException: void UIBlueprintInspector.Refresh(bool,bool,bool) at UIBlueprintInspector._OnOpen () [0x00005] in <098005bb1c5d4804a3d5e3ad4799301a>:0 at ManualBehaviour._Open () [0x00031] in <098005bb1c5d4804a3d5e3ad4799301a>:0

Eijar commented 5 months ago

aww dang this 2 are good combo, hoping this can/will be fix

Eijar commented 5 months ago

btw, i disabled the UIBlueprintOpt and tried putting new blueprint, when double clicking the blueprint, error shows

Vistritium commented 5 months ago

I don't have BuildToolOpt and I also have this error message. image

Probably related:

Eijar commented 5 months ago

reinstalled this mod, disabled all mods except this mod and related to this mod. created new game with this only mod running, issue still there

edit: ![Uploading Screenshot (153).png…]()

found the solution

check the integrity of the game on steam, it works now even with the buildOpt