limpens / esp32-8048S043

Demo for the ESP32-8048S043 Sunton kit with esp-idf and lvgl
12 stars 4 forks source link

update or new version using LVGL V9? #3

Closed jingaworks closed 8 months ago

jingaworks commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your code,

I use it and start my project based on your code.

Now that LVGL V9 is out, I wanted to start to use it, but it is over my head to make the needed changes to adapt it to V9.

Can you please make a new version of this script using LVGL V9?

Thank you very much for the provided code, it's a great starting point for someone like me.

limpens commented 8 months ago

Added a version for lvgl 9 here: