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DEPRECATED - An easy and free video conference service based on WebRTC
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Sending files #107

Open sa4ek opened 6 years ago

sa4ek commented 6 years ago

Good day, I want to make a module for sending files and some other data for all users, how can i do it?

And i have one more question, does video support alpha channel or transperency?

Or if I can use WebRTC datachannel for sending transperency and files.

And what about C# UWP api?


chamerling commented 6 years ago


Yes you can build your own module to send files; we already use WebRTC datachannel to send JSON between peers, you can do the same for binary data.

What do you mean by alpha channel?

Thanks for Microsoft UWP API, but this is not planned at all.

sa4ek commented 6 years ago

I have depth camera, which can transfer not only rgb image. It transfer image with depth.
For example this codec can use transperensy in video - Webm with VP8. I want to pack depth data to alpha channel.