linagora / hublin

DEPRECATED - An easy and free video conference service based on WebRTC
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Feature requests #17

Open wayneoutthere opened 8 years ago

wayneoutthere commented 8 years ago

not sure where to put feature requests because I'm in a flurry of commenting here because I really want this project to do well!

  1. sound when someone joins room
  2. sound when someone leaves room
  3. standard IM chatting features like: file attachment, emoticons, etc
  4. firefox hello style random link generator (but I think this might already exist so disregard if so)
  5. no auto-start for video (as per my previous bug post)
  6. something to prevent opening same 'room link' in a second tab or window (creates audio chaos and hard to track down second tab sometimes)
  7. password protected entry code into room to prevent general public from showing up or old members that got the boot by 'room administrators'. I'm just thinking if a company was using this and an old employee had the old URL. Sure you could change the URL but a password feature would allow the link to be a 'perma-link' kind of thing.

Those be my thoughts and hope they helped someone and thanks so much to all of you for this amazing new development!

chamerling commented 8 years ago

Hi @wayneoutthere,

Thanks for all these ideas. We already though about such things and we hope to add some soon!!!