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Rejoining a meeting after a chrome crash end up in a "different chatroom" #46

Open cjdelisle opened 7 years ago

cjdelisle commented 7 years ago

Yesteday I had an internet connection outage while using (as explained in #45) and when the connection came back, I attempted to reload the page and somehow Chrome crashed (SIGILL, entire process, all windows).

When I relaunched Chrome I was able to rejoin the meeting but I found the chatroom was empty for me but my meeting partner still had the old stuff in the chatroom. When I pasted another link into my (empty) chatroom, he did not receive it so I assume that perhaps I ended up in a "different chatroom".

cjdelisle commented 7 years ago

We did another meeting with a few participants and we observed that some participants would end up in completely isolated meetings (different video, chatroom and avatars) but the indication would appear saying when they joined (and later when they leave).

cjdelisle commented 7 years ago

You can ask @polx or @ansuz for more information about this issue.