linan7788626 / Arc_Finding_CNN

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TEST Training set. #20

Open linan7788626 opened 8 years ago

linan7788626 commented 8 years ago

Hi All,

I produced a 100/100 training set using our pipeline for test. you can find all fits file in the link below. TEST TRAINING SET

fits files and png files of lensed images are saved in lensed_output_fits and lensed_output_pngs separately. so are non-lensing images.

This is just a very first test for producing training set, I will produce much more images once we complete the codes for DES-like images and LSST-like images.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to reply here. Thank you all.

All the best, Nan Li

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago

Thanks Nan.

I am working on DES and LSST simulation and will post the update once I get something.