lincollincol / Amplituda

Audio processing library, which provides waveform data
Apache License 2.0
222 stars 31 forks source link

You should rename native-lib to some meaningfull name as other proejcts somehow like to use this too what makes build issues... #41

Closed renetik closed 2 years ago

renetik commented 2 years ago

I believe this is bug to use common name like this as if other library use it as well you have to fork one and edti manualy to be able to use both in same project. It happened to me so just a suggestion/bug to improve project ;)

szkodnik25 commented 2 years ago

@renetik Hello! Could you elaborate more on how you've managed to do that? Did you just rename conflicting .so files?

renetik commented 2 years ago

So the poroblem is in CMakeLists.txt `add_library(native-lib ....

They basically defined name native-lib and looks like this can cause problems when mixing multiple native libraries in android. What I did was that I renamed my own native code to more meaningful name so it don't collide with this...

So now I have add_library(renetik-instruments-library-audio SHARED ${native_lib_sources} ${cpp_src}) before I had there add_library(native-lib SHARED ${native_lib_sources} ${cpp_src}) and it did some kind of conflict..

lincollincol commented 2 years ago

@renetik implementation 'com.github.lincollincol:Amplituda:v2.1.5'