Closed yosuke65 closed 1 year ago
@yosuke65 Hello! Make sure you add the dependencies listed below
implementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui:$compose_version"
implementation "androidx.compose.material:material:$compose_version"
@lincollincol Yes, I have those already. It's running but not working in generated apk.
@yosuke65 Ok, got it. Please, can you share build.gradle file with me. I'd like to check dependencies and config. Maybe it's related to the jetpack compose library version
Hello @lincollincol Have the same error, using compose and material version 1.3.1, but only if I BUILD apk file, when I just run it on the same device everything work.
@yosuke65 @Boriswp Please, try this build of the sample app. I have generated this build with R8 as well. Let me know if you have the same issue with my build.
Yes, your build work. This build from your app example? Hmm I solve my problem by directly download your library files into my projects. Everything works. Why so happened if importing them — I don't know.
@Boriswp Great! I'd like to take a look at build config. It probably can be related to compose config or something like that.
Can you share build.gradle
file with me? Or maybe you have a project on github?
I'm afraid that won't be necessary, to reproduce this I downloaded your example app and used your gradle file with the only difference... androidWave I used not locally but via implementation 'com.github.lincollincol:compose-audiowaveform:1.0.1'. And unfortunately when you build app in this way you have this bug)
@Boriswp I created a sample project and added compose-audiowaveform
lib as you described in the last reply.
Here are generated release and debug apk's:
Also, activity
file with AudioWaveform
example and build.gradle
files and:
package com.linc.composesample
import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.material.MaterialTheme
import androidx.compose.material.Surface
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import com.linc.audiowaveform.AudioWaveform
import com.linc.composesample.ui.theme.ComposeSampleTheme
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val amps = buildList {
repeat(100) {
setContent {
ComposeSampleTheme {
// A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colors.background
) {
var waveformProgress by remember { mutableStateOf(0F) }
amplitudes = amps,
progressBrush = SolidColor(Color.Magenta),
waveformBrush = SolidColor(Color.LightGray),
progress = waveformProgress,
onProgressChange = { waveformProgress = it }
build.gradle (app)
plugins {
id ''
id ''
android {
namespace 'com.linc.composesample'
compileSdk 33
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.linc.composesample"
minSdk 24
targetSdk 33
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
vectorDrawables {
useSupportLibrary true
signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file("<key.jks>")
storePassword '<password>'
keyAlias = '<alias>'
keyPassword '<password>'
buildTypes {
debug {
minifyEnabled false
applicationIdSuffix = ".beta"
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = '1.8'
buildFeatures {
compose true
composeOptions {
kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion '1.2.0'
packagingOptions {
resources {
excludes += '/META-INF/{AL2.0,LGPL2.1}'
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.7.0'
implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx:2.3.1'
implementation 'androidx.activity:activity-compose:1.3.1'
implementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui:$compose_ui_version"
implementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling-preview:$compose_ui_version"
implementation 'androidx.compose.material:material:1.2.0'
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13.2'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.3'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.4.0'
androidTestImplementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-junit4:$compose_ui_version"
debugImplementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling:$compose_ui_version"
debugImplementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest:$compose_ui_version"
implementation 'com.github.lincollincol:compose-audiowaveform:1.0.1'
implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.4.0'
build.gradle (project)
buildscript {
ext {
compose_ui_version = '1.2.0'
}// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
plugins {
id '' version '7.4.1' apply false
id '' version '7.4.1' apply false
id '' version '1.7.0' apply false
settings.gradle (project)
pluginManagement {
repositories {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
} = "ComposeSample"
include ':app'
Hi, I'm facing above crash. Is this a bug?