lincolnloop / python-qrcode

Python QR Code image generator
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How long is the QR code image going to be valid? #336

Open coolzzing opened 1 year ago

coolzzing commented 1 year ago


My wife got free QR code from online but it turned out free trial is expired. And fortunately I found this repo and generated one free. I wonder if the QR code image I generated here would have such free trial period or would be permanently free to use.

ronytesler commented 1 year ago

The content encoded in a QR code is always valid.

kmacdough commented 1 year ago

The content encoded in a QR code is always valid.

Exactly. This generates a QR code encoding some text with the actual WiFi info. This should last indefinitely, although standards sometimes change over the decades.

Your previous QR code must have linked to the shady website instead, which stored your WiFi credentials on its server.