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TomcatService does not support AsyncServlet. #116

Open blmarket opened 8 years ago

blmarket commented 8 years ago

I'd like to use async feature like SseEmitter but armeria does not supports this yet.

trustin commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I tried to get this work, but could not figure out how. Care to dive deeeeep?

blmarket commented 8 years ago

It's too deep, so taking deeeeeep breath first.

our use cases are experimental yet, so will wait until it's going serious consideration. currently we're opening both tomcat & armeria ports to workaround.

imasahiro commented 7 years ago

I've met simler situation when implementing async API with spring-boot (using DeferredResult) + TomcatService (and not solved yet). Here is minimum sample code for our case.

alex-lx commented 1 year ago

Met the same situation when using DeferredResult

minwoox commented 1 year ago

Spring GraphQL also does not work when it's used with armeria-spring-bootx-autoconfigure module because AsyncServlet isn't supported. However, Spring GraphQL works if it's used with the webflux integration module.

nao0811ta commented 3 months ago

Still, it's not available? How will Kotlin behavior? that uses suspend as an async

minwoox commented 3 months ago

No, it still doesn't support AsyncServlet. @nao0811ta Are you using it with Kotlin?

nao0811ta commented 3 months ago

Sorry. it wasn't Armeria. never mind