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Add `WebTestClient` #4339

Open ikhoon opened 1 year ago

ikhoon commented 1 year ago

It should be helpful to assert a response to a test request fluently.

static ServerExtension server = ...;

void testRestApi() {
    WebTestClient client = server.webTestClient();
          .assertStatus().isEqualTo(HttpStatus.OK) // or `isOk()` as an alias
          .assertHeaders().contain(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.JSON)
trustin commented 1 year ago

Could also integrate with AssertJ and Kotlin/Scala assertions.

ikhoon commented 1 year ago

In addition to assertion, it would be useful to support mocking for isolated unit tests.

Related work:

val testingBackend = SttpBackendStub.synchronous
  .whenRequestMatches(_.uri.path.startsWith(List("a", "b")))
  .thenRespond("Hello there!")
  .whenRequestMatches(_.method == Method.POST)

val response1 = basicRequest.get(uri"").send(testingBackend)
// response1.body will be Right("Hello there")
tomatophobia commented 1 year ago

Hi @ikhoon 😄 May I work on this issue?

ikhoon commented 1 year ago

For sure, go ahead.

tomatophobia commented 1 year ago

@ikhoon I have a question about implementation direction. For example, if the result type of client.get(...).execute() is defined as TestHttpResponse, I have considered two possible ways to implement this class (or interface)

The first approach is a implementation that does not depend on AssertJ:

class TestHttpResponse {

  AssertStatus assertStatus() {
    return new AssertStatus(this.status, status())

class AssertStatus {

  HttpStatus actual;
  TestHttpResponse back;


  TestHttpResponse isEqualTo(HttpStatus expected) {
    checkState(actual.equals(expected), "Some message");
    return back;

void test() {
  assertThatCode(() -> {

The first approach requires creating appropriate intermediate classes, such as AssertStatus, AssertHeaders, AssertTrailers, etc. and implementing assertion methods, such as isEqualTo, isTrue, etc. manually. However, this approach enables the creation of domain-specific assertion methods such as assertStatus().isOk() that are not dependent on AssertJ.

The second approach is an implementation that depends on AssertJ.

class TestHttpResponse {
  AssertEntity<AbstractComparableAssert<?, HttpStatus>> assertStatus(HttpStatus status) {
    return new AssertEntity<AbstractComparableAssert<?, HttpStatus>>(assertThat(status), this);

class AssertEntity<T> {

  T entity;
  TestHttpResponse back;


  TestHttpResponse that(Consumer<T> consumer) {
    return back;

void test() {
      .assertStatus().that(a -> a.isEqualTo(HttpStatus.OK))

The second approach has a simpler implementation compared to the first approach, as it only requires one intermediate class (AssertEntity) since it uses AssertJ directly. However, this approach is limited to using only the assertion methods provided by AssertJ and cannot utilize any domain-specific assertion methods.

Would you please share your thoughts on which approach you believe is better, or if neither of them is the expected approach?

ikhoon commented 1 year ago

If a test client depends on AssertJ, I propose to design the code like:

public final class AssertableHttpResponse {

    private final AggregatedHttpResposne response;

    public AbstractComparableAssert<...> assertStatus() {
       return asserThat(resposne.status());


We can use this assertion by wrapping a test client with com.linecorp.armeria.testing.assertj.AssertableWebClient.

ServerExtension server = new ServerExtension(...) { ... }

void shouldReturn200OK() {
    // Need a better name. 🤔 
    AssertableWebClient client = AssertableWebClient.of(server.webClient());
          .assertHeaders().contains(entry(HttpHeaderNames.XXX, val))
          .assertContent().isEqualTo("Resposne body");

As armeria-junit5 does not rely on AssertJ, we may need to create armeria-assertj module and implement the AssertJ-based test client there.

The first approach is a implementation that does not depend on AssertJ:

It is also a good approach because a test client is can be created from ServerExtension. The design sounds good to me.

ikhoon commented 3 months ago

In addition to fluent assertions, we may provide a way to set mock responses to the WebTestClient.

WebTestClient client = WebTestClient.mock();
client.expect("/foo", HttpResponse.of(OK));
assert client.get("/foo").status() == HttpStatus.OK;
assert client.get("/bar").status() == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND;

This API will be useful when the server is unavailable in test env or difficult to make idempotent responses.

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