lineagekit / lineagekit

A python library with genealogy methods
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Perturb pedigree #6

Open sgravel opened 1 month ago

sgravel commented 1 month ago

Some applications will require us to change the pedigree (for example, to simulate errors). We will also want to have a function to remove an edge (to model missing data), or move an edge to a different individual of the same sex (to model genealogical errors). Likely we will need a fairly general function to do this, since we may have different requirements about whether the mismatches are within the same region. @LukeAndersonTrocme has a fair bit of code to do this, and we should discuss how this will relate.

sgravel commented 1 month ago

We would also want tools to update statistics when we do a simple permutation. For example, I believe that kinships can be recomputed efficiently if the kinship of the perturbed child to all individuals are known, following a variation of Lange's algorithm.