lineageos4microg / docker-lineage-cicd

Docker microservice for LineageOS Continuous Integration and Continous Deployment
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Put better forum solution in place #524

Open petefoth opened 8 months ago

petefoth commented 8 months ago

We have been using our XDA forum thread for a log time as the main means of addressing user queries. The thread is now nearly 150 pages,has no threading, has very poor search functionality, and is neither user-friendly, not search-engine-friendly. As a recent forum post said

What I would like to see is that when somebody does a search on Duckduckgo or Google about LineageOSMG the result is not some conversation from 3 years ago, because that is what I have been getting in my searches.

There are many better solutions available - Discourse, GitHub discussions, and many others. The project and its users would benefit from putting such a solution in place.

Currently we don't have the resources - people, time, computing resources - to do this, but is perhaps something a potential project sponsor might be able to help with.

stuart-nolan commented 6 months ago

I've tried and subsequently left XDA for many of the same reasons mentioned above. Without resources or volunteer user participation, my observation is that there are no better solutions. That said, if I was to start a new github project, I would use its discussions feature until the project grew to a point that justifies something like Discourse.

As long as there is limited user participation and you don't mind the occasional (perhaps slightly off topic) comment from non XDA participants in your issues, the status quo is likely the easiest option.


petefoth commented 6 months ago

the status quo is likely the easiest option.

I think you are correct. I raised this issue at a time when I was considering approaching a former employer about the possibility of them sponsoring the project - probably in terms of allowing one of their junior staff to work on it on company time. I wanted to be able to point to specific issues where such help might be used, and this was one area. I'm feeling less 'snowed under' at the moment, the work for lneage-21 seems to be going OK (and less work than I thought it would be).

So I'll leave this issue open, in case anyone feels like moving it forward, but I'm happy enough lurking in XDA for now 😁

Thanks for your input