lineageos4microg / docker-lineage-cicd

Docker microservice for LineageOS Continuous Integration and Continous Deployment
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Try 21.0 builds for 'Hello again, QPR2' devices #609

Closed petefoth closed 3 months ago

petefoth commented 3 months ago

Stopping the builds, closing the issue and removing the new builds: they may not have been tested upstream - see

This gerrit change (not yet approved or merged) re-enables a number of 21.0 devices in lineage-build-targets (see also this commit). The devices are: avicii,axolotl,barbet,berlin,berlna,beryllium,bluejay,bramble,caprip,channel,cheeseburger,cheetah,coral,devon,dipper,discovery,DRG,dubai,dumpling,enchilada,equuleus,fajita,felix,flame,FP4,gta4l,gta4lwifi,gts4lv,gts4lvwifi,guacamole,guacamoleb,hawao,hotdog,hotdogb,husky,instantnoodle,instantnoodlep,kebab,kirin,lemonade,lemonadep,lemonades,lynx,m5_tab,martini,mermaid,nio,ocean,odroidc4_tab,oriole,panther,pdx203,pdx206,pdx214,pdx215,perseus,pioneer,PL2,polaris,pro1,pro1x,pstar,radxa0_tab,raven,redfin,rhode,river,rosemary,salami,shiba,sunfish,tangorpro,TP1803,ursa,voyager,xpeng,Z01R,

According to this comment it's possible that builds for these devices may work, so worth trying.

petefoth commented 3 months ago
petefoth commented 3 months ago
- succeeded: lemonadep,nio,ocean
- failed:m5_tab,martini,mermaid
- remove the new builds: they may not have been tested upstream - see
ArchangeGabriel commented 3 months ago

@petefoth I think you got that wrong: any device added back is one that has been checked to be properly working. Those that are not re-enabled are either not tested or tested non-working/building.

petefoth commented 3 months ago

@petefoth I think you got that wrong: any device added back is one that has been checked to be properly working. Those that are not re-enabled are either not tested or tested non-working/building.

Maybe. My reasoning is as follows:

  1. Looking at the master branch in hudson the commit which re-enables some devices has not yet been merged, so may or may not work
  2. For 50% of the devices I tried to build, the build failed, (with different build errors for each device) indicating to me that there are other changes needed for the builds to work. (The failed builds were for m5_tab,martini,mermaid, the successful builds were lemonadep,nio,ocean)

As I have no way of checking whether the 21.0 builds that succeed will actually work, I think it is safer to wait until the changes are merged to the master build target list: I really don't want to ship potentially broken builds as 'official' OTA updates, which is why I removed the three builds which did succeed, from the download server.

I will try 21.0 builds again when some devices have been re-enabled in the master branch