lineageos4microg / docker-lineage-cicd

Docker microservice for LineageOS Continuous Integration and Continous Deployment
GNU General Public License v3.0
480 stars 189 forks source link

Bump latest OnePlus 7 Pro (guacamole) Build #631

Closed MicahBird closed 1 month ago

MicahBird commented 1 month ago

Greetings! I'm not sure if this is the right place to request this, but there was a breaking Bluetooth regression made in LineageOS 21 that prevents a swath of watches from being able to pair, which has since been fixed! However, the latest build for guacamole only dates back to May 7th, which is the day before this was fixed...

Would it be possible to request that guacamole gets bumped to be up to date? I'd be more than happy to donate any compute and/or storage to the cause!

petefoth commented 1 month ago

A new build is in progress. Should be done in ~3 hours

petefoth commented 1 month ago

New build available at

MicahBird commented 1 month ago

HOLY COW! You have made my week and then some my good sir! Thank you so much for the unbelievably fast turnaround!

MicahBird commented 1 month ago

Quick PSA to anyone else, DO NOT FLASH AND/OR UPDATE TO THIS VERSION (lineage-21.0-20240524-microG-guacamole). I did a both clean and dirty flash and it has broke everything, every app reports " keeps stopping" and cellular doesn't function :/

A clean flash is even worse because the setup app never loads, it perpetually stays on a black screen. Regardless, thank you for your time and assistance @petefoth!

ristein commented 1 month ago

I just OTA-updated and it's all broken:

05-25 10:10:50.781 0 0 W init : DM_DEV_STATUS failed for system: No such device or address 05-25 10:10:50.781 0 0 W init : DM_DEV_STATUS failed for vroot: No such device or address

05-25 11:03:07.030 7663 7663 W System.err: java8.nio.file.FileSystemException: /storage/emulated/0: opendir: Transport endpoint is not connected
