lineageos4microg / docker-lineage-cicd

Docker microservice for LineageOS Continuous Integration and Continous Deployment
GNU General Public License v3.0
480 stars 189 forks source link

June 24 build run status #636

Closed petefoth closed 3 weeks ago

petefoth commented 1 month ago

Full run

21.0 devices: a52q,a52sxq,a72q,a73xq,akari,akatsuki,alioth,aura,aurora,avicii,axolotl,barbet,berlin,berlna,beryllium,bluejay,blueline,bonito,bramble,caprip,channel,cheeseburger,cheetah,cheryl,chiron,coral,crosshatch,davinci,deadpool,devon,dipper,discovery,dopinder,DRG,dubai,dumpling,enchilada,equuleus,fajita,felix,flame,FP3,FP4,FP5,gemini,grus,gta4l,gta4lwifi,gts4lv,gts4lvwifi,guacamole,guacamoleb,guamp,hawao,haydn,heart,hotdog,hotdogb,husky,ingot,instantnoodle,instantnoodlep,joan,kane,kebab,kirin,lemonade,lemonadep,lemonades,lisa,lmi,lynx,m5,m5_tab,m52xq,mars,martini,mata,mermaid,Mi439,Mi8917,Mi8937,miatoll,natrium,nio,ocean,odroidc4,odroidc4_tab,oriole,panther,pdx203,pdx206,pdx214,pdx215,perseus,pioneer,PL2,polaris,pro1,pro1x,pstar,pyxis,r8q,radxa0,radxa0_tab,raven,redfin,renoir,rhode,river,rosemary,rtwo,sagit,salami,sargo,shiba,sunfish,surya,sweet,tangorpro,TP1803,troika,umi,ursa,vela,voyager,wade,xpeng,xz2c,Z01R,zippo

20.0 devices: alphaplus,apollon,bardock,bardockpro,betalm,beyond0lte,beyond1lte,beyond2lte,beyondx,crownlte,d1,d2s,d2x,f62,foster,foster_tab,G,gauguin,gta4xl,gta4xlwifi,gtowifi,kiev,lancelot,liber,merlinx,mh2lm,nairo,nx659j,onclite,parker,porg,porg_tab,quill,quill_tab,racer,sake,sif,star2lte,starlte,tissot,vayu,violet,X00TD,xmsirius,z2_plus,zangya,zangyapro

petefoth commented 1 month ago
petefoth commented 1 month ago
petefoth commented 1 month ago

Thu 06 Jun 24

BurhanBudak commented 1 month ago

Latest hotdogb works flawlessly and installed smootly. But I wonder what version of lineage build it uses? Is it the older May 5 version? Because LOS released a build yesterday the 7th.

petefoth commented 1 month ago

Latest hotdogb works flawlessly and installed smootly. But I wonder what version of lineage build it uses? Is it the older May 5 version? Because LOS released a build yesterday the 7th.

It uses whatever code was in the LineageOS repos when the build started. LOS don't tag their code for releases, so we build using the latest

petefoth commented 1 month ago

Mon 10 Jun 24

[ 82% 111585/134670] //system/sepolicy/contexts:vendor_property_contexts checking namespace of vendor_property_contexts (priority: 18)
FAILED: out/soong/.intermediates/system/sepolicy/contexts/vendor_property_contexts/android_common/m5_tab/vendor_property_contexts_namespace_checked
out/host/linux-x86/bin/check_prop_prefix --property-contexts out/soong/.intermediates/system/sepolicy/contexts/vendor_property_contexts/android_common/m5_tab/vendor_property_contexts --allowed-property-prefix ctl.odm. --allowed-property-prefix ctl.vendor. --allowed-property-prefix 'ctl.start$odm.' --allowed-property-prefix 'ctl.start$vendor.' --allowed-property-prefix 'ctl.stop$odm.' --allowed-property-prefix 'ctl.stop$vendor.' --allowed-property-prefix init.svc.odm. --allowed-property-prefix init.svc.vendor. --allowed-property-prefix ro.boot. --allowed-property-prefix ro.hardware. --allowed-property-prefix ro.odm. --allowed-property-prefix ro.vendor. --allowed-property-prefix odm. --allowed-property-prefix persist.odm. --allowed-property-prefix persist.vendor. --allowed-property-prefix vendor. --allowed-property-prefix --strict && cp -f out/soong/.intermediates/system/sepolicy/contexts/vendor_property_contexts/android_common/m5_tab/vendor_property_contexts out/soong/.intermediates/system/sepolicy/contexts/vendor_property_contexts/android_common/m5_tab/vendor_property_contexts_namespace_checked # hash of input list: b62fce6fb5bf5669a4737b7f2f0cd2b3b9e5ea72cbd7d4ef80ce418eb9fd7607
1 violations found:                     u:object_r:media_prop:s0
vendor's and odm's property_contexts MUST use ONLY vendor-prefixed properties.
This is enforced by VTS, so please fix such offending properties.
Allowed property prefixes for out/soong/.intermediates/system/sepolicy/contexts/vendor_property_contexts/android_common/m5_tab/vendor_property_contexts: ['ctl.odm.', 'ctl.vendor.', 'ctl.start$odm.', 'ctl.start$vendor.', 'ctl.stop$odm.', 'ctl.stop$vendor.', 'init.svc.odm.', 'init.svc.vendor.', 'ro.boot.', 'ro.hardware.', 'ro.odm.', 'ro.vendor.', 'odm.', 'persist.odm.', 'persist.vendor.', 'vendor.', '']
You can temporarily disable this check with setting BUILD_BROKEN_VENDOR_PROPERTY_NAMESPACE := true in
But property namespace is enforced by VTS, and you will need to fix such violations to pass VTS.

-alioth failed. latest LOS 21.0 alioth build succeeded so retry at the end of the build run

petefoth commented 1 month ago

Tue 11 Jun 24

Machion commented 1 month ago

Installation error for nio: I could download the new june build, but when I tap on install it immediately says "installation error". Already downloaded 2 times just to be shure.

petefoth commented 1 month ago

Installation error for nio: I could download the new june build, but when I tap on install it immediately says "installation error". Already downloaded 2 times just to be shure.

Is this via the Updater app? Try installing using recovery & adb sidelooad

Machion commented 4 weeks ago

Ok finally got time to test it. Yes Updater app failed, sideload was successful. Strange. I hope it was a single case

RoiArthurB commented 4 weeks ago

-alioth failed. latest LOS 21.0 alioth build succeeded so retry at the end of the build run

This issue has been fixed on the last nightly released (link), and waiting for the new nightly to see if new issue (link nightly - waiting for alioth)

stefan-niedermann commented 3 weeks ago

Feedback: Just received an update notification for alioth 2024-06-209 build being available. I installed it via the updater app and everything seems to work fine :) Thank you.

petefoth commented 3 weeks ago

Feedback: Just received an update notification for alioth 2024-06-29 build being available. I installed it via the updater app and everything seems to work fine :) Thank you.

That'll be 2024-06-20 - we're not using a time machine (yet 😄 ).

Great it's working!

petefoth commented 3 weeks ago

Sat 22 Jun 24

petefoth commented 3 weeks ago

All done!