linemanjs / lineman

Lineman helps you build fat-client JavaScript apps. It produces happiness by building assets, mocking servers, running specs on every file change
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Plugin execution order is unable to be specified. #344

Open davemo opened 9 years ago

davemo commented 9 years ago

In releasing I encountered a bug using the lineman-angular plugin in conjunction with lineman-vendor-split; users are unable to control the execution order of plugins.

The problem manifests itself in a project using lineman-angular due to the fact that the concat_sourcemap config is modified by both plugins yet lineman-angular expects lineman-vendor-split to go first so that the config is setup appropriately to modify.

Discussion with @searls has yielded a couple of options for users being able to define this, the simplest being simply exporting a function from a plugin that is then required in the config/application.{js,coffee} of the users lineman application.


module.exports = (lineman) ->
    require('lineman-vendor-split')(lineman.application.config) #mutates the config
    # other normal app config here
      enabled: true
    # etc
searls commented 9 years ago

If we want to take a serious look at this, the first step is probably reacquainting ourselves with the code that currently discovers plugins. It may provide a little insight into how ordering works now