linemanjs / lineman

Lineman helps you build fat-client JavaScript apps. It produces happiness by building assets, mocking servers, running specs on every file change
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Exclude css from generated css (for a style guide page) #383

Closed BurningDog closed 8 years ago

BurningDog commented 8 years ago

I've added a styleguide.html to my site, and have some css (in app/css/styleguide.scss) which I'd like to manually include in the style guide html (with a <link>) but not in my normal site's html. How can I exclude that scss file from being included in the generated app.css? I'm using node-sass, and have a main.scss file which explicitly imports each scss file I need for the generated app.css

My config/files.js sass config looks like:

    sass: {
      main: "app/css/main.{sass,scss}",
      compass: true
searls commented 8 years ago

I don't have a great answer to this off the top of my head (I see what you're saying but I'm struggling to visualize it). Anyone else have a moment to respond more intelligently?

jasonkarns commented 8 years ago

Not a very helpful answer, but a thought experiment. Since a styleguide or pattern library is generally meant to be a standalone page(s) with base css (and even JS), would it make more sense if the styleguide were its own lineman app? I realize this introduces its own complexities, so I don't mean to dismiss the underlying issue with a sweeping "separate app" response. But might be worth it. I think it would carry other benefits as well, like the ability to make iterations on the guide/core styles separately from the main app(s).

On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Justin Searls wrote:

I don't have a great answer to this off the top of my head (I see what you're saying but I'm struggling to visualize it). Anyone else have a moment to respond more intelligently?

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