lingdb / Sound-Comparisons

Exploring phonetic diversity across language families —
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Create 'Database Editor Mode' #425

Open PaulHeggarty opened 7 years ago

PaulHeggarty commented 7 years ago

This is a very big new functionality to be added to the Sound Comparisons system.
There should be two types of 'Editor Mode': 1) Data Editor Mode (this issue #425, the feedback parallel to Data Feedback Mode, #427 ) 2) Translation Editor Mode (issue #426, the feedback parallel to Translation Feedback Mode, #428 )

This Database Editor Mode will take a few weeks of programming, perhaps, but will totally transform the efficiency of quality control and data correction right across Sound Comparisons.

Linguista commented 7 years ago

Regarding point 3, "opening the existing sound file within a sound file editor on the user's computer, mostly PRAAT", note that Praat doesn't directly modify sound files; the process is rather more convoluted: it imports a sound file as an object, modifies the object (but not the file on the disk), and then if you choose to you can save the new object as a new file. You should not normally be able to save the new file over the old one, due to OS file locking.

In practical terms, this means the new site functionality should be able to deal with exporting a file with one name, importing the edited file with another name, and then changing the name of the edited file to the original name. (Users could also save the new file with the original name in a new directory, but that could get confusing).

PaulHeggarty commented 7 years ago

OK, maybe it would be Audacity or something similar.